Grab-Traces & TPC-DS Presto query plans


Grab-Traces is (to the best of our knowledge) the largest, publicly available industry-based dataset of query plans for research.

In contrast to open sourced TPC benchmarks, Grab-Traces feature more plan diversity, based on the range of large & small query plans that are realistic to the query patterns seen in large scaled companies. All Grab-Traces query plans are based on real Presto queries executed & profiled over Grab's datalake.

In order to emphasise the difference between the query plans under the TPC benchmarks and Grab-Traces, we plotted a sample of 245,849 logical plans, obtained over 2 consecutive months in Grab, on their node count and maximum tree depth. We contrasted these plans with TPC-DS & TPC-H templates. The maximum plan (size, depth) observed was (477, 38) for TPC-H, (883, 73) for TPC-DS and (4969, 321) for Grab.


From the picture, two things become clear:

  • Grab's query plans are diverse: We observed a range of very large and small plans issued to our Presto clusters

  • Query volumes are large: We observed many distinct queries issued to our Presto clusters. At scale, many of the existing query featurization techniques may be highly inefficient.


We are releasing both our Grab-Traces & TPC-DS dataset, as part of our conference submission to Sigmod 2021.

There are 2 query plan dataset in this repository

Please see grab-traces

Please see tpc-ds


All data is subjected to the MIT open source licensing scheme. For more details, please see licensing

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TODO: Fill in this page once paper is published


  • Grab-NUS AI Lab