
Jekyll source for my personal blog. http://grabcode.fr

Primary LanguageHTML

Grabcode’s blog – authored by Alexandre Girard

Eventually I blog. I feel it is time to do so – I’ve been using the web since my pentium 1, 166 MHz (1997), studying and working with and on it since 2003. I figure this is my turn to spoil it with some of my thought (oh they say “contribute” nowadays). After all, I have enough of this false modesty. Let’s blog, mate.

Note: it is automatically transformed by Jekyll into a static site whenever I push this repository to GitHub.

You can do it too

Assuming you have a github account:

*Install jekyll // gem install jekyll
*Create a jekyll project // jekyll new blog
*Edit the file _config.yml with your details
*Try it // jekyll serve —watch (open the brower
*Host it on github. Create a repo named “{myGithubUser}.github.io”
*git init
*git add .
*git commit -m ‘blog’
*git remote add origin git@github.com:{myGithubUser}/{myGithubUser}.github.io.git
*git push

Check out http://{myGithubUser}.github.io/ (might take 10 minutes)


The following directories and their contents are Copyright Alexandre Girard. You may not reuse anything therein without my permission:

  • _posts/
  • images/

All other directories and files are MIT Licensed. Feel free to use the HTML and CSS as you please. If you do use them, a link back to http://github.com/grabcode would be appreciated, but is not required.