An R shiny app used to keep up with loot tables on Google Sheets during Pathfinder/RPG sessions.
- To begin please login to your gmail account. a. New campaign or old campaign?
- Campaign details: a. DM name i. DM controlled PC b. Number of players i. Player names ii. PC names c. What game are you playing? i. Pathfinder, Starfinder, Other d. What type of adventure are you on? (if PF or SF) i. Adventure Path, Module, or Scenario? ii. Name of adventure iii. Which book?
- What do you want to name your campaign? a. Names or file paths generated from campaign details i. short and long version b. custom name
Create a folder on Google Drive called "shiny-loot-log".
- Create a folder for each version of shiny-loot-log
- Add a master spreadsheet here.
- catalog every item ever added.
- keep static data here.
- Each campaign gets a new file
- With a master sheet.
- Each book or module gets thier own sheet.
- Add a master spreadsheet here.
- Create a folder for each version of shiny-loot-log
Create a form for players to fill out that helps to auto suggest loot
- Preferred Ability
- Preferred