- I wanted to explore creating a purple palette and get more familiar with svg and css animations. I also wanted to practice duplicating html elements with JavaScript. I did the cloud svg in Inkscape, which is the first I draw a svg.
- You can see the animation in this Codepen
- If you really want to see it in your own local enviorment, download the repo and drag and drop the index.html in a browser or open it with
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
cloudCreator(div1, div2, div1Container, cloudReflectionClass, nameId, maxObs, addScale, addTransformation, animationTime) This functions takes two div elements and their div container and creates maxObjects amount of cloud elements and their reflections. Its uses nameId and adds it the iteration number to create a unique id to each element. addScale refers to the scale transformation that's added to the small clouds specifically, since changing the transformation in JS overrides the transformation given to the class in the css stylesheet. addTransformation adds a new transform to the small clouds reflections. *animationTime can be used to change the speed which the clouds would move.
waterReflectorCreator(id, reflDiv, divCont, maxRefls, xCoord, yCoord,color) This function creates the sun light reflections, which are just 5px lines made with css. The function takes one css element of a specific width and duplicates it maxRefls amount of times. All the lines are added to the reflection element. Similiar to cloudCreator, the parameter id is a string that is used to create a unique id to each element by adding the iteration number. reflDiv id the element that is being duplicating with clonenode and then appended it to the divCont element. xCoord and yCoord are used to move each line in different coordinates. color is a string to add a different color to each iteration of line elements.