CS 61 Exams Fall 2018

This repository will hold your answers to exam questions.

Use this GitHub Classroom link to create your personal exam repository: https://classroom.github.com/a/jMrJgP8n

Then clone your personal exam repository to your laptop.

The day of the exam, charge your laptop!

Immediately before the exam, go into your laptop’s exam-repository clone and update your code from the source:

git pull git://github.com/cs61/cs61-f18-exams.git master

When you have completed the exam, commit and push:

[sign the policy.txt file using your favorite editor]
git commit -a -m "Done"
git push
git status

The git status command should say your branch is “up-to-date with 'origin/master'”, and it should not list any “Changes not staged for commit.”

Good luck!