Executable scripts to assist in validating that your Gradle and Maven builds are in an optimal state in terms of maximizing work avoidance when using Develocity.
- akshob@microsoft
- Astro03San Francisco
- athkalia@gradle
- BenTilbrook
- chao2zhang@Instacart
- chrisjenx@MercuryTechnologies
- decomplectedSalt Lake City Metropolitan Area
- dsvoronin
- erichaagdev@gradle
- esafirm@gojek
- etiennestuder@gradle
- fttlanshangBeijing
- iskae@github
- jbduncanSainsbury's
- JellyBrick@organization
- Joakin666
- joleksiysurovtsevUkraine
- jsobergAllTrails
- juanpablopradoMonterrey
- kyhuleComcast
- leonard84Gradle Inc.
- mpkuth
- mrmikePoznań, Poland
- n8ebel@premisedata
- nathanmkayathermondo
- NightXlt
- notsatyarth@PhonePe
- ParaskP7Automattic
- prenaghaMaryland, US
- seanpm2001Self-employed; looking for tips
- smarklund
- thecodesmithJamf
- trebouillon
- TWiStErRobMarks and Spencer
- vichidBarcelona
- William3JohnsonInferno Inc