
A sample Laravel API service app

Primary LanguagePHP

Bet 360

This is a sample Laravel project with Laravel API consumed by a client made with Vue.js


Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/gradosevic/bet-360.git

Copy .env.example to .env and update (at least) APP_URL and DB_* with your own values. The API can be consumed by any other REST clients.

Install dependencies:

composer install
npm i


npm run prod

Run DB migrations

php artisan migrate

Add test data

php artisan db:seed

Create REST API clients

php artisan passport:install

App Client

Go to /login to log in with an existing user or /register to register a new user.

Demo user (from the test data):

demo@demo.com | demo


Run tests with

composer test

External API Access

To consume API by an external client, please log in to app and go to API tab. Click on Create New Token to generate a new API token.

Copy token and use it with your REST client. Add "Bearer {API_TOKEN}" to the header of your requests.