Grady's Daily Journal

(credit to Colleen Woolsey's README):


  1. Built a form for entering in journal entries.
  2. Defined how the data collected in the form would be stored.
  3. Built a data structure to represent a journal entry.
  4. Built a function that returns an HTML representation of that data structure.
  5. Rendered it to the DOM.

DAILY JOURNAL - PART 3 The learning objectives were:

  1. To set up JSON Server to store the data for daily journal entries
  2. Query that data from the API
  3. Use Promises (fetch)
  4. Render the entries to the DOM.


  1. Modularized JavaScript code - created data.js, entriesDOM.js and entryComponent.js
  2. Refactored journal.js and included new script tags in index.html in correct order OPTIONAL CHALLENGE

Change the code in both src/scripts/entriesDOM.js and src/scripts/entryComponent.js so that the functions in each one becomes a method on an object Once the objects are defined, refactor your code to use the methods on those objects where needed


  1. Use event listeners, and querying the DOM to make your daily journal form work
  2. Save entries to your API
  3. Use fetch to make a POST request to your API OPTIONAL CHALLENGE A: Advanced Form Validation Add the following validation code to your journal entry form fields

Pick a maximum length for concepts field and provide visual feedback if you type in a string that is longer than that maximum Test that the concept and entry fields contain no curse words. You can use regular expressions for that OPTIONAL CHALLENGE B: Entry Form Component Create a module that defines a function for building the form fields dynamically instead of them being hard-coded in the HTML OPTIONAL CHALLENGE C: Creating Method Abstractions Write a method in your API module that performs a POST and a GET, then use that method in the event listener.