1. Getting Started With the Geospatial Environment

To run the notebook for this project, you will need some additional python packages. You can install these using conda. We have provided an environment.yaml file with the packages to be used for the project. This environment.yaml file will create a new environment for you called geospatial.

Open your terminal, and cd into this project. From there run:

conda env create -f environment.yaml

Once this has been created for you, it is easiest to run from the command line. For example, to open a new session with jupyter run:

conda activate geospatial
jupyter notebook

To close the notebook, type ctrl-c To stop using the geospatial environment:

conda deactivate

2. Introduction slide deck and notebooks

  • importance of location to some kinds of analysis
  • geopandas GeoDataFrames
  • types of geometry
  • intro to coordinate reference systems
  • spatial joins
  • adding context with folium maps
    • constructing maps
    • markers
    • marker clusters
    • popups
  • geospatial_intro.ipynb (geopandas and foilum)
  • matplotlib_subplots.ipynb (matplotlib styling of geoplots in latter part of notebook)