
This cookbox contains a collection of snippets that I commonly use in my projects. I am sharing not only because I think others might find this helpful but also:

  • To record these snippets somewhere so I don't have to relearn what instructions I need in order to do something that I know I had done previously somewhere, and
  • Hopefully allow others to spot naieve or ignorant snippets where there are far better ways to achieve the same outcome

Each of these snippets have a set of characteristics:

  • They are focused,
  • They are isolated,
  • They are runnable, and
  • They are trivial

As far as possible there is no clutter surrounding the snippet to distract from the concept that is being illustrated.


Name Description
Constant Global Variables Initialising and referencing of constant global variables
Nested Scoping A nested function accesses its surrounding scope however that function can not be passed and used outside of the surrounding scope.
Higher-Order Functions A language that supports higher-order functions is a language that treats functions as values allowing these values to be manipulated. The scenarios looked at here only consider functions that have no free variables - in other words they accept arguments, return a result and, in their body, only reference global state.
Closures Nested functions are able to access the state of the enclosing function. In the absence of higher-order function, this structure is static and can be stored on the stack. Add higher-order functions and it then becomes necessary to store the enclosing scope in the heap.

Building and Running

I have created a number of scripts contained within ./bin.

Name Purpose
build-all.sh Runs all of the scripts in the correct sequence to populate ./build.
build-docs.sh Iterates through all of the md files in ./doc, running embedded macros and places the result into ./build.
build-lib.sh This directory stores the boilerplate library code that allows the snippets to remain simple. This script runs make in ./lib.
build-snippets.sh Iterates through all of the .ll snippets in ./snippets, runs llvm-as against each file, links using clang and then runs the binary placing the output into a .out file. These snippets and output results are embedded into the md content deposited into ./build when build-docs.sh is run.
clean-all.sh Removes all of the temporary files except those that are contained in ./build.