Dials Spotfinding Miniapps

This repository contains separate implementations of the DIALS spotfinding intended for optimisation attempts and comparisons. Different parts of the repository may work with different requirements/toolkits.

Repository Structure

The simplest place to start is the baseline/ folder. This contains a copy of the spotfinding code in DIALS, and a separate standalone DIALS-free implementation for easy comparison by other implementations.

Folder Name Implementation
h5read/ A small C/C++ library to read hdf5 files in a standard way
common/ Common utility code, like coloring output, or image comparison, is stored here.
baseline/ The standard Dials "Dispersion" spotfinder. This includes a standalone implementation that can be used by other miniapps for comparison.
cuda/ WIP Development of CUDA implementation of spotfinding.
dpcpp/ WIP experiments on using dpcpp to implement on FPGAs.