This R package was created to provide a set of tools for those working in Statistical Disclosure Control The functions will help the user keep track of tables created from a single dataset and create risk profiles for each table with regards to the disclosure vector of table differencing. The tool is designed to be used from within an R project, where the data logged is kept across sessions in the .RDATA file.
User Functions
Function: Creates the initial tibbles that will contain the metadata.
Param: No Input
Output: Two tibbles: tables_metadata and dataset_metadata
Function: Creates CSV file containing Dataset Metadata
Param: filename,string - the dataset filename
Param: filepath,string, - dataset path (default: `./datasets/')
Output: A single CSV file with the same name as filename but with `meta' appended.
Function: Adds datasets metadata to datasets_metadata tibble
Param: filenames,vector - a vector containing the metadata filenames as strings
Param: filepath,string - (default: ./datasets/)
Output: Modifies datasets_metadata
Function: Removes a dataset from datasets_metadata
Param: datasets,vector - a vector containing dataset names as strings
Output: Modifies datasets_metadata
Function: Adds table metadata to tables_metadata tibble
Param: filenames,vector - a vector containing the metadata filenames as strings
Param: filepath,string - (default: ./tables_metadata/)
Output: Modifies tables_metadata
Function: Removes a table from tables_metadata
Param: tables,vector - a vector containing table names as strings
Output: Modifies tables_metadata
Function: Produces a full report on tables vs variables and breakdowns risk
Param: include, vector - modifies network to display only those variables in include
Param: exclude, vector - modifies network to not display those variables in exclude
Param: colours, vector - modifies default colour scheme (`black',`black',`black',`red',`red')
Output: Prints to Console and creates network visualisation
Function: Produces same console report as report_tablesRisk() but has a reduced network based on table
Param: table, string - table name
Output: Prints to Console and creates network visualisation
Function: Reports if there are any NA values in the metadata
Param: metadata, tibble - target metadata to report on
Output: Prints report to console
Function: Produces a report categorising the variables in use by their risk level
Param: None
Output: Prints report to console
Function: Produces a full study report file based on an Rmarkdown template
Param: outfile, string - name of the output file
Output: HTML file
Internal Functions
Function: Creates a square matrix for building network object
Param: metadata,tibble - the target metadata
Param: node_column,integer - which column in metadata should be used as the row/column labels
Param: filler,string or integer - value which will fill the matrix.
Output: Returns matrix object
Function: Create Adjacency Matrix
Param: metadata,tibble - the target metadata
Param: edge_column,integer - which column in metadata should be used as the network edge information
Param: node_column,integer - which column in metadata should be used as the row/column labels
Param: include,vector - list of values to include from the edge_column
Param: exclude,vector - list of values to exclude from the edge_column
Param: colours,vector - list of 5 colours as strings representing Risk level of variable
Output: Returns a list of two matrices, an adjacency matrix for creating a network and an equivalent matrix for labelling the edges.
Function: Create Adjacency Matrix with edges only connecting to table
Param: table,string - the table to target
Output: Adjacency Matrix
Function: Draws a labelled network
Param: M_edges,matrix - the adjacency matrix for the network
Param: M_labels,matrix - the equivalent matrix with edge labels
Output: Draws Network