
Generate a Draw.IO diagram from your Azure Resources

Github Action

Here's an example that:

  • Uses the Custom Github Action to generate a diagram
  • Uploads the diagram as an artifact in your action.
      - uses: azure/login@v1
          creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}

      - name: Generate Diagram
        uses: graemefoster/azurediagramsgithubactions@v0.1.10
          subscriptionId: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
          resourceGroup: "*-grf-*"
          outputFileName: "azurediagram.drawio"

      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: diagram
          path: ./azurediagram.drawio

Yaml properties

Property Required Description
subscriptionId Yes Subscription Id to run against
resourceGroup Yes Wildcard enabled resource group name (supports multiple)
outputFileName Yes Filename to write Draw.Io output
accessToken No Optional JWT to avoid using CLI credential
condensed No True collapses private endpoints into subnets (can simplify large diagrams)
showRuntime No True to show runtime flows defined on the control plane
showInferred No True to infer connections between resources by introspecting appSettings
showIdentity No True to show User Assigned Managed Identity connections
showDiagnostics No True to show diagnostics flows

Output Formats

The initial version supports Draw.IO diagrams.