
CI NuGet NuGet

Generate a Draw.IO diagram from your Azure Resources


dotnet tool install --global AzureDiagramGenerator

az login

AzureDiagramGenerator --tenant-id <tenant-id> --subscription-id <subscription-id> --resource-group <resource-group> --resource-group <resource-group> --show-runtime --output c:/temp/

CLI flags

Flag Required Description
--tenant-id No Tenant Id (defaults to current Azure CLI)
--subscription Yes Subscription Id to run against
--resource-group Yes Wildcard enabled resource group name (supports multiple)
--output Yes Folder to output diagram to
--condensed No True collapses private endpoints into subnets (can simplify large diagrams)
--show-runtime No True to show runtime flows defined on the control plane
--show-inferred No True to infer connections between resources by introspecting appSettings
--show-identity No True to show User Assigned Managed Identity connections
--show-diagnostics No True to show diagnostics flows
--token No Optional JWT to avoid using CLI credential
--output-file-name No Name of generated file. Defaults to resource-group name
--output-png No Outputs a png file (requires to be installed)

Github Actions

We have two different actions. The first runs as a Docker action, and produces a jpeg output. The second doesn't use docker, and produces a .drawio file.

Example outputs

Azure App Service with App Insights / database / Key Vault


More complex with VNets and private endpoints


How does it work?

AzureDiagrams queries the Azure Resource Management APIs to introspect resource-groups. It then uses a set of strategies to enrich the raw data, building a model that can be projected into other formats.

It's not 100% guaranteed to be correct but it should give a good first pass at fairly complex architectures/

To layout the components I use the amazing AutomaticGraphLayout library.


There are many, many Azure services not yet covered. I'll try and put a table here of what is covered, and how comprehensive it is covered.

Output Formats

The initial version supports Draw.IO diagrams.