
Auto class generator for Bicep files to enable easy composition

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


What is it?

A C# code generation layer over Bicep to allow you to orchestrate templates using .Net 6.

Provides simple type annotation using //@bicepflextype BicepTestTypes.SampleComplexObject next to object and array parameters and outputs.


param name string
param complex object //@bicepflextype BicepTestTypes.SampleComplexObject

param weatherType string

var foo = complex
var too = foo.Property1

module funkyFoo './test-module.bicep' = {
  name: 'funkyfoo'
  params: {
    bar: too

output nameout string = name

output strongtype object = { //@bicepflextype BicepTestTypes.SampleComplexObjectOutput
  id: name
  complexProperty1: complex.Property1
  complexProperty2: complex.Property2
  weather: weatherType
dotnet bicepflex <bicep-files-path> <bicep-flex-output-path> [<reference-assembly-dll>]
var output =
    await runner
        //Deploy a bicep file
            new SingleParamFile
                Name = "Graeme",
                Weathertype = weatherTypeOptions.rain,
                Complex = new SampleComplexObject
                    Property1 = "Hello World!",
                    Property2 = 78
        //Fluent API for chaining Bicep deployments together
        .ThenDeploy(o => new SingleParam
            Name = o.Nameout,
            Weathertype = weatherTypeOptions.hail,
            Complex = new SampleComplexObject
                Property1 = "ASASASs",
                Property2 = 123