This repo contains a collection of JavaScript helpers to run chaos experiments effortlessly on top of k6.
⚠️ k6-chaos has been deprecated in favor or xk6-disruptor a k6 extension providing fault injection capabilities.
The first thing you need is a custom k6 binary with the extensions required to use this library: xk6-kubernetes.
You can also download the required k6 binary from the releases page.
In order to access your application from the test script, it must be assigned an external IP. This can be accomplished in different ways depending on the platform you used for deploying the application.
A service of type LoadBalancer
receives an external IP from an external load balancer provider. The load balancer is configured in different ways depending on the platform your cluster is deployed in and the configuration of the cluster. In the following sections we provide guidelines for exposing your application when running in common development environments. If your cluster is deployed in a public cloud, check your cloud provider's documentation.
Kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container to emulate “nodes”. It may be used for local development or CI. Services deployed in a kind cluster can be exposed to be accessed from the host machine using metallb as a load balancer.
Minikube implements a local Kubernetes cluster supporting different technologies for virtualizing the cluster's infrastructure, such as containers, VMs or running in bare metal.
Minikube's tunnel command runs as a process, creating a network route on the host to the service CIDR of the cluster using the cluster’s IP address as a gateway. The tunnel command exposes the external IP directly to any program running on the host operating system.
$ minikube tunnel
The helpers.js
module offers helper functions and clases to facilitate the setup of test scenariors
The DeploymentHelper
class facilitates deploying applications and exposing them as services.
creates a helper for deploying an application
client: k8s client from xk6-kubernetes
name: name of the application
namespace: target namespace
image: image of the application
replicas: number of replicas
- app: value of the 'app' label used as pod selector. Defaults to the name
- port: port to expose in the application's container. Defaults to '80'
deploys the application and waits for the replicas to be ready
exposes the application as a service
options: additional parameters for configuring the service
- port: port to expose the service. Defaults to '80'
- name: servie name. Defaults to the application's name
returns a list with the names of the deployment pods
The ServiceHelper
class facilitates accessing services.
creates a helper for accessing services
client: k8s client from xk6-kubernetes
name: name of the service
namespace: target namespace
returns the external IP of the service. Throwns an error if none is set.
The KubernetesDisruptor
class offers methods for introducing faults in kubernetes resources such as namespaces, secrets, config-maps, CRDs, etcetera. It can be used for
example for testing the resilience of operators to those failures.
: creates an instance of KubernetesChaos
client: k8s client from xk6-kubernetes
namespace: namespace to inject chaos into
: kill the namespace
The NodeDisruptor
disrupts nodes
: creates a node distuptor
client: k8s client from xk6-kubernetes
options: options
- name: name of the attack (used as stress job name prefix)
- namespace: namespace where stress jobs will be started
- selector: labels for selecting target node(s). An empty selector matches all nodes
- picker: strategy used for picking node(s) to disrupt from potential targets.
- auto_clean: automatically delete stress jobs when attacks ends (defaults to true)
: stressing a list of nodes by exhausting resources
nodes: list of nodes to stress
options: controls the stress attack
- cores: sets the number of CPU concurrent stress processes to start
- cpu_Load: sets the CPU load per stress process
- duration: sets the duration of the stress attack. E.g. '5m'
: clean jobs started by the disruptor (if auto_cleanup was set to false)
The PodDisruptor
class allows disruption of Pods
: creates a pod disruptor
client: k8s client from xk6-kubernetes
- namespace: namespace for selecting target pod(s)
- selector: labels for selecting target pod(s). An empty selector matches all pods
- picker: strategy used for picking pod(s) to disrupt from potential targets.
Presenlty the only suppored value is 'ramdom' (one random pod)
- wait: timeout (as a duration) for the disruptor to be initilized (defaults to '10s')
: kill pod
: delays network traffic for the pod
options: controls the delay attack
- delay: average delay in network packages (in milliseconds)
- variation: variation in the delay (in milliseconds)
- duration: duration of the disruption
: disrupts http requests to the pod.
options: controls the attack
- delay: average delay in requests (in milliseconds. Default is 0ms)
- variation: variation in the delay (in milliseconds. default is 0ms)
- error_rate: rate of requests that will return an error (float in the range 0.0 to 1.0. Default is 0.0)
- error_code: error code to return
- duration: duration of the disruption (default is 30s)
- target: port on which the requests will be intercepted (defaults is 80)
- port: port the transparent proxy will use to listen for requests (default is 8080)
- interface: interface on which the traffic will be intercepted (default is eth0)
- exclude: list of urls to be excluded from disruption (e.g. /health)
The ServiceDisruptor
class allows disruption of Services
: creates a service disruptor
client: k8s client from xk6-kubernetes
name: name of the target service
- namespace: namespace for selecting target pod(s)
- wait: timeout (as a duration) for the disruptor to be initilized (defaults to '10s')
: kill pod
: disrupts http requests to the service.
options: controls the attack
- delay: average delay in requests (in milliseconds. Default is 0ms)
- variation: variation in the delay (in milliseconds. default is 0ms)
- error_rate: rate of requests that will return an error (float in the range 0.0 to 1.0. Default is 0.0)
- error_code: error code to return
- duration: duration of the disruption (default is 30s)
- target: port on which the requests will be intercepted (defaults is 80)
- port: port the transparent proxy will use to listen for requests (default is 8080)
- interface: interface on which the traffic will be intercepted (default is eth0)
- exclude: list of urls to be excluded from disruption (e.g. /health)
The ./exaples folder contains examples of using k6-chaos
Notice k6-chaos
needs the image grafana/k6-agent
. This image can build using the command
make container
If you are using a local cluster (e.g Kind or Minikube, ) the grafana/k6-chaos
available in the cluster where the test application will run.
If using kind
the following command make the image in the cluster
kind load docker-image grafana/k6-chaos`
If using minikube
the following command makes the image available in the cluster:
minikube image load grafana/k6-chaos
The kill-deployment-pod.js example shows how PodDisruptor
can be used for testing the effect of killing an instance of a deloyment. When executed, we can see how the requests are momentarely affected until the pod is restarted:
WARN[0024] Request Failed error="Get \"\": dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0024] Request Failed error="Get \"\": dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0025] Request Failed error="Get \"\": dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0026] Insufficient VUs, reached 100 active VUs and cannot initialize more executor=constant-arrival-rate scenario=load
WARN[0026] Request Failed error="Get \"\": dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0030] Request Failed error="Get \"\": dial tcp connect: no route to host"
WARN[0030] Request Failed error="Get \"\": dial tcp connect: no route to host"
running (01m34.0s), 000/101 VUs, 8831 complete and 0 interrupted iterations
load ✓ [======================================] 000/100 VUs 1m30s 100.00 iters/s
delay ✓ [======================================] 1 VUs 00m10.0s/10m0s 1/1 shared iters
✗ successful request
↳ 99% — ✓ 8824 / ✗ 6
The disrupt-http.js example shows how PodDisruptor
can be used for testing the effect of disruptions in the http requests served by an instance of a deloyment. The example uses a deployment of the httpbin
. The initial setup makes each request to take 100ms
. When executed without any disruption the statistics looks like this.
http_req_duration..............: avg=101.66ms min=100.59ms med=101.69ms max=107.24ms p(90)=102.22ms p(95)=102.36ms
When the disruption of an additional 100ms
delay and an error rate of 10% of requests is introduced for a period of 30s
, we can see how the statistics are affected (in particular, p(90)
and p(95)
http_req_duration..............: avg=148.96ms min=100.39ms med=104.44ms max=324.18ms p(90)=205.17ms p(95)=205.58ms
Also the statistics show a number of failed requests:
http_req_failed................: 5.01% ✓ 300 ✗ 5686
Notice we requested an error rate of 0.1 (10%) but we are only applying if for 30s, therefore with respect of the total number of request, only 5% fail.
The delay-pod.js example shows how PodDisruptor
can be used for testing the effect of delays in the traffic from an instance of a deloyment. The example uses a deployment of the httpbin
. The initial setup makes each request to take 100ms
. When executed without any disruption the statistics looks like this.
http_req_duration..............: avg=101.66ms min=100.59ms med=101.69ms max=107.24ms p(90)=102.22ms p(95)=102.36ms
When the disruption of an additional 200ms
delay is introduced for a period of 30s
, we can see how the stastics are affected (in particular, p(90)
and p(95)
http_req_duration..............: avg=126.21ms min=100.52ms med=101.7ms max=952.95ms p(90)=301.28ms p(95)=301.8ms
The disrupt-shop.js example shows a script that tests the effect of http failures or delays in a microservice of the Sock Shop application. This application is a polyglot microservices-based application that implements a fully functional e-Commerce site.
Source: Microservices Demo Design
It offers a web interface that allows users to register, browse the catalog, and buy items.
Each microservice has its own API that can be accessed directly by means of their corresponding Kubernetes services. The front-end service also exposes all these apis. Therefore all APIS can be accessed by means of the front-end's Kubernetes service.
The Socks Shop application can be deployed in Kubernetes.
The application is deployed in the
namespace. The following examples assume you have set the default namespace accordingly with the commandkubectl config set-context --current --namespace sock-shop
The default deployment exposes all microservices as ClusterIP
services and therefore are not accessible from outside the cluster.
$ kubectl get svc
carts ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 1h
carts-db ClusterIP <none> 27017/TCP 1h
catalogue ClusterIP <none> 80:31924/TCP 1h
catalogue-db ClusterIP <none> 3306/TCP 1h
front-end ClusterIP <none> 80:30001/TCP 1h
orders ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 1h
orders-db ClusterIP <none> 27017/TCP 1h
payment ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 1h
queue-master ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 1h
rabbitmq ClusterIP <none> 5672/TCP,9090/TCP 1h
session-db ClusterIP <none> 6379/TCP 1h
shipping ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 1h
user ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 1h
user-db ClusterIP <none> 27017/TCP 1h
If your cluster has a load balancer configured you can expose the front-end service my changing its type to 'LoadBalancer':
> kubectl patch svc front-end -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
service/front-end patched
> kubectl get svc front-end
front-end LoadBalancer 80:30001/TCP 2h
Notice now the service has an external IP assigned. This can be used for accessing it from the host machine:
> curl -v | jq .
> GET /catalogue/3395a43e-2d88-40de-b95f-e00e1502085b HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.81.0
> Accept: */*
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< X-Powered-By: Express
< set-cookie: md.sid=s%3AAv4bhwm5U-Ed2hesf6GF7ljO6J71Z86A.fqnJ8CIVShpevJXLbsf9JPfBQAYu12ZP93KePiyMcBs; Path=/; HttpOnly
< Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2022 16:37:16 GMT
< Connection: keep-alive
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
{ [293 bytes data]
100 286 0 286 0 0 29375 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 31777
* Connection #0 to host left intact
"id": "3395a43e-2d88-40de-b95f-e00e1502085b",
"name": "Colourful",
"description": "proident occaecat irure et excepteur labore minim nisi amet irure",
"imageUrl": [
"price": 18,
"count": 438,
"tag": [