- 3
Question: How to preserve the src/ directory structure when building to dist/ directory?
#49 opened by bdshadow - 0
RFC: Using JSX with k6
#53 opened by behnammodi - 1
Is there a negative performance impact from using Typescript with k6 over JS? If so, what is it?
#47 opened by nicholaspshaw - 0
- 0
Use `esbuild` as bundler
#46 opened by kraktus - 0
Transpile to ES modules (instead of CommonJS)
#45 opened by ppcano - 0
- 2
Adding Type Safety to __ENV Variables
#42 opened by Nathan-Bernardo - 3
- 0
- 3
How could I split dependencies in chunks?
#7 opened by sneko - 1
- 2
Please clarify the license
#38 opened by pakutoma - 1
[Question] How do I copy an image (jpg) from /src/assets to the /dist folder
#37 opened by ryanrosello-og - 4
Add other lifecycle functions to examples
#36 opened by liambutler - 1
Error message "error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported"
#33 opened by HedonisticOpportunist - 2
Add support for k6 remote modules
#16 opened by ppcano - 2
Query: Please clarify how to configure various reports in this template ?
#27 opened by PavanMudigondaTR - 9
- 1