
Kudobuzz interview

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This appication expects data through an API, pushes it to rabbitMQ queue through the producer, an aggregate is computed from the data and persisted in the database (MongoDB).


  • NodeJS 8.x.x
  • RabbitMQ server
  • MongoDB
  • Yarn


Clone the project to a folder in your computer.

All the setup is done through the .env file. A fast setup can be done my renaming .env.example to .env. This assumes default settings in mongodb and rabbitmq.

The application is split into 3 subapps. The producer, consumer and server. Each subapp is started independently.

Run the bash commands below (preferably on different bash shells)

#Start the producer
$ yarn serve:producer

#Start the consumer
$ yarn serve:consumer

#Start the server
$ yarn serve:server

Push data to the producer

Assuming default producer port number (3000)


POST /api/reviews HTTP /1.1
HOST http://localhost:3000

    "businessId": "safaricom",
    "message": "This was the best from safcom",
    "type": "product",
    "sources": "amazon",
    "rating": 4


200 OK

    "success": true

406 Not Acceptable

<Error message>

The message is validated then pushed to the queue for the consumer.

The consumer fetches the message from the queue, creates and aggregate then stores it in the Database.


The aggregates are exposed through the server by an endpoint.

Fetch Aggregates

Assuming default server port (3002)


GET /api/aggregates HTTP/1.1
HOST http://localhost:3002


    "sources": {
        "amazon": {
            "count": 3,
            "percentage": 50
        "facebook": {
            "count": 3,
            "percentage": 50
    "types": {
        "product": {
            "count": 5,
            "percentage": 83.33333333333334
        "site": {
            "count": 1,
            "percentage": 16.666666666666664


To run tests, use yarn test or yarn test:w to watch changes.