Forked from
For new features, see the changelog below.
Allows to run programs contained in one file (can be used for Scala, Java, Python, Ruby, Node, C++, Bash, PHP) from Brackets and display results in panel. It is possible to create own build systems via 'Edit > Script Builder Configuration' menu item and editing opened JSON file (you need to restart Brackets afterwards).
Based on Brackets Builder.
Keyboard shortcuts:
- F9 = Run script.
- F10 = Compile script.
- Shift-F10 = Run compiled script.
- Update console logic.
- Support quotes in output text.
- Improve JSON output.
- Word wrap output.
- Make text selectable.
- Add new builder.json environment variable ($PROJ_ROOT).
- Add PHP to builder config.
- Add Bash to builder config.
- Lint code.
- Include .jslintrc file.
- Remove menu error.
- Replace deprecated Brackets method.
- Add new 'tack' button to panel.
- Tack on = Hide panel on file change (default setting).
- Tack off = Keep panel open on file change.
- Change F11 keyboard shortcut to Shift-F10 (for better OS X compatibility).
- $PATH = The current files directory.
- $PROJ_ROOT = The current projects root directory.
- $FILE = The current files name (including extension).
- $BASE_FILE = The current files name (excluding extension).
- $FULL_FILE = The current files full path (including extension).