
create spring boot image

mvn spring-boot:build-image

the image will show up in your local registry

❯ docker images
REPOSITORY                         TAG                     IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
paketobuildpacks/run               base-cnb                793c0420709a   45 hours ago   87.7MB
gcr.io/k8s-minikube/kicbase        v0.0.20                 c6f4fc187bc1   4 weeks ago    1.09GB
restapi                            0.0.1-SNAPSHOT          740a40e9d44c   41 years ago   288MB
gcr.io/paketo-buildpacks/builder   base-platform-api-0.3   bbb944e79519   41 years ago   590MB

now you need to tag the image and push it to a registry. i am using docker hub, so i only need to add my use my username:

docker tag restapi:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT grafpoo/restapi:latest

and push:

❯ docker push grafpoo/restapi:latest
The push refers to repository [docker.io/grafpoo/restapi]
1daae206ee97: Pushed
20e1cf6014bd: Pushed
43b7b01c45e1: Pushed
6763b99e3792: Layer already exists
aa7edff7133e: Layer already exists
7a7ffa0a3f6c: Layer already exists
7fbc97c38fad: Layer already exists
0b18b1f120f4: Layer already exists
7074331958bf: Pushed
ec0381c8f321: Layer already exists
230fbfb3ce9c: Pushed
cbe849c7f40e: Pushed
32fe97cac33e: Mounted from paketobuildpacks/run
ceb7a5edaf89: Mounted from paketobuildpacks/run
cd2f00bf3849: Mounted from paketobuildpacks/run
8cafc6d2db45: Mounted from paketobuildpacks/run
a5d4bacb0351: Mounted from paketobuildpacks/run
5153e1acaabc: Mounted from paketobuildpacks/run
latest: digest: sha256:e78a45c3e68d4dc8fb1471c677c834160b125ac71434eb97c64471a9228ef8f4 size: 4087

now that we have the image in a registry, we can create the kubernetes yaml. as with the database, we're creating 3 resources - the ConfigMap (to set the environment variable for FOOTIE_DB_HOST, which will point to the service name of the PostgreSQL database; we've cleverly named this postgres), the Deployment, where we define the pod we want to run (and, in our solution, set the memory size for the container), and the Service (so we can expose the web application). You can see these in the GitHub repository solution

then, to load the new resources:

kubectl apply -k .