
🐳 Web Interface for the Docker Registry HTTP API V2 written in Ruby on Rails.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Docker Registry Browser

Build Status

Web Interface for the Docker Registry HTTP API V2 written in Ruby on Rails.


Repositories overview

Screenshot 1

Tag overview

Screenshot 2

Tag details

Screenshot 3

Delete tag

Screenshot 4




docker run --name registry-browser -it -p 8080:8080 -e DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL=http://your-registry:5000 klausmeyer/docker-registry-browser

Manual setup

  1. Install ruby e.g. using RVM
    (see .ruby-version file for required version).
  2. Execute the following command inside your local clone of this repository:
    gem install bundler && bundle install --without development test
  3. Run the application using
    DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL=http://your-registry:5000 bundle exec bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb


The configuration is done by environment variables.

Option Required Type Description
DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL yes String URL to the Docker Registry which should be browsed
Example: http://your-registry:5000
NO_SSL_VERIFICATION no Bool Enable to skip SSL verification (default false)
Example: true
BASIC_AUTH_USER no String Username for basic-auth against registry
Example: joe
BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD no String Password for basic-auth against registry
Example: supersecretpassw0rd
ENABLE_DELETE_IMAGES no Bool Allow deletion of tags (default false)
Example: true
PUBLIC_REGISTRY_URL no String The public URL to the Docker Registry to do docker pull
Example: your-registry:5000

You can also set BASIC_AUTH_USER and BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD as Docker Swarm secrets.

Proxy Setups

If you're using a reverse-proxy setup with SSL termination in front of this application in combination with ENABLE_DELETE_IMAGES=true you must make sure that the application knows about this fact (by sending X-Forwarded-Proto: https in the HTTP headers).

Otherwise the application would throw errors like "HTTP Origin header [...] didn't match request.base_url [...]" when you're trying to delete image-tags.