Important Commands
Build the docker files into an image called someapi (to be called from directory of Dockerfile. If code or dockerfile changes, this needs to be re-ran) docker build -t someapi .
Create and run new container called myapi (run in the background -d), expose it on port 8080 through port 80 (-p) using image someapi sudo docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name myapi someapi
After running those 2 commands in the WSL Ubuntu terminal, you should be able to browse to http://localhost:8080/WeatherForecast in a browser through a browser in Windows
Other commands Remove existing container docker rm myapi
List all running containers docker ps
List all images docker images ls
Referenced Resources: Getting WSL2 and Docker desktop installed, setting up docker file
Setting up docker file and .dockerignore. Running docker container and exposing endpoint