
The following is a demo repository to recreate a heap memory issue I'm seeing in a larger project I am working on.

  1. I have either found a memory leak

Or (and more likely)

  1. I'm doing something wrong with promises in rusty_v8 and cannot figure it out myself.

If you are comfortable diving in, the full source is here: https://github.com/graham/v8heapexperiment/blob/main/src/main.rs

But I'll outline it here for better readability:

I begin by initializing the v8 platform and compiling a module and storing it in a v8::Global.

    let platform = v8::new_default_platform(0, true).make_shared();

    let mut isolate = v8::Isolate::new(v8::CreateParams::default());

    // Compile a module with a single exported function `main`
    // scope it to global and store it in the global_module variable.
    let global_module = {
        let mut handle = v8::HandleScope::new(&mut isolate);

        let global = v8::ObjectTemplate::new(&mut handle);
        let context = v8::Context::new_from_template(&mut handle, global);
        let mut context_scope = v8::ContextScope::new(&mut handle, context);

        let source = SOURCE_CODE;

        let module = create_module(
            &mut context_scope,

        module.instantiate_module(&mut context_scope, resolve_module_imports);
        module.evaluate(&mut context_scope).unwrap();

        let glob_module = v8::Global::new(&mut context_scope, module);


Async promise resolution appears to be the source of the issue

The value of SOURCE CODE is very important to this demonstration,

when SOURCE_CODE is equal to "export let main = () => 'hello world'"; there is no issue.

However, if the function main is async I see the v8 heap grow and eventually overflow: "export let main = async () => { return 'hello world' }";

Keeping track of promises

I use the following vector to keep track of promises that have not yet been resolved:

    let mut pending_promises: Vec<v8::Global<v8::Promise>> = Vec::new();

When the function call returns a promise, I convert it to a v8::Global and store it in the vector:

            match handle_request_fn.call(&mut context_scope, ns.into(), &[]) {
                Some(value) => {
                    if value.is_promise() {
                        let promise = v8::Local::<'_, v8::Promise>::try_from(value)
                            .expect("Function did not return promise as expected.");
                        // Leaving this as a v8::Local appears to have no affect
                        // on the heap growing.
                        let p = v8::Global::new(&mut context_scope, promise);
                    } else {
                None => {}

After a call to perform_microtask_checkpoint I iterate through the vector and check to see if any vector has been resovled.

I run this loop and even though all the promises have been resolved (and dropped from the vector), the heap continues to grow until it overflows.

If the HandleScope is dropped each iteration of the loop (loop starts here: https://github.com/graham/v8heapexperiment/blob/main/src/main.rs#L52 ) the heap is correctly trimmed as it is used.

Since the performance characteristics of re-creating the HandleScope ever iteration are very significant, I have to assume I'm somehow retaining a Promise somewhere in the stack.

As mentioned earlier, if this function does not generate a Promise, there is no heap issue.