
needed more straightforward way to compare the fsdp vs non-fsdp performance and whether alternate models are easy to integrate/use with fsdp or if they require alterations. is for model training with simple sharding (aka device_map="auto") and without fsdp. uses fsdp for model training.

run it up

to run mistral fsdp example: torchrun --nnodes=1 --nproc-per-node=2 --wandb_mode=online --wandb_group="fsdp/mistral-7b"

to run with a different model must supply decoder layer like:

torchrun --nnodes=1 --nproc-per-node=8 --wandb_mode=online --wandb_group="fsdp/fuyu-8b" --model_name="adept/fuyu-8b" --decoder_layer_import="transformers.models.persimmon.modeling_persimmon,PersimmonDecoderLayer"

other notes

  • 4/25/24
    • recent update of transformers/pytorch seems like tons of fsdp stuff is working now on machine with 8xGpus.
original readme from


Code used to fine-tune this model: abacaj/mistral-7b-sft. Add your data in the data folder as train.jsonl and validation.jsonl.

How to run

Install dependencies:

python -m venv env \
  && source env/bin/activate \
  && pip install -r requirements.txt

Run training code:

torchrun --nnodes=1 --nproc-per-node=<REPLACE_WITH_NUMBER_OF_GPUS>


  • If running with a small batch size, lower the learning rate
  • I did not have to adjust grad clip or weight_decay but YMMV
  • Use enough data, I recommend > 1k samples
  • I ran this for 3 epochs on 40k samples, will need to experiment more on epochs because the model was still improving.
  • The better way to tell if your model is improving or just overfitting or even getting worse, you should add evaluation on your task. This is data that is not part of training. For example, on code completion you can evaluate your model on the mbpp validation set or a custom set you have.