
Primary LanguagePython

install related:

pip install "gymnasium[all]" minari gymnasium-robotics


pip install -e .

if you need mujoco: wget https://mujoco.org/download/mujoco210-linux-x86_64.tar.gz && tar -xf mujoco210-linux-x86_64.tar.gz && mkdir ~/.mujoco && mv mujoco210 ~/.mujoco/

you likely need pip install "cython<3" unless the cython bug is fixed

apt related things you probably need:

sudo apt install libosmesa6-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libglfw3 libglew-dev patchelf

to run the baseline

`python run.py --batch_size=400 --epochs=10 --seq_len=10 --num_workers=10 --eval_episodes=10

to run with docker

docker run -v /home/graham/.d4rl:/root/.d4rl -v /home/graham/.cache:/root/.cache

docker run --rm --ipc=host --gpus all -it -v $HOME/.d4rl:/root/.d4rl -v $HOME/.cache:/root/.cache inctxdt/base:latest /bin/bash

to run on hpc:

follow dockerfile for setting up mujoco and python libraries. since you cant install with apt you will also need to use the following conda install mesalib glew glfw patchelf -y. Also make sure you set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH

in future i should use simple_parsing over pyrallis. it seems nicer and better to work with if i have different scripts going on that control different parts

from simple_parsing import ArgumentParser, Serializable