
Drive a browser with Cohere

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Drive a browser with a LM:

Derived from Nat's repo here: https://github.com/nat/natbot and https://github.com/aidangomez/weblm


  • uses likelihoods instead of raw generations to guide the model's decision-making
  • ability to build a reference set of examples that the LM can make reference to
  • ability to fix the LM's mistakes online and add them to the reference set for future use

Set up and running instructions

  1. Clone this repository and cd into its main working directory.
  2. Install poetry
  3. Install dependencies: poetry install --no-root
  4. Set up playwright: poetry run playwright install
  5. Run main: poetry run python -m weblm.main

Files to add

  1. specials.json - You should store sensitive information like "Password": "password" to avoid saving it to examples.json.