Run macOS on QEMU/KVM. With OpenCore + Big Sur support now! Only commercial (paid) support is available.

Primary LanguageShell


This guide is based on OSX-KVM checked out at commit bda4cc8e698356510c27747b7a929339f450890c.

NOTE: All commands not run inside the macOS VM are expected to be run while inside the contained nix-shell.


The upstream OSX-KVM repo is patched to use our own qcow's and OVMF files.


  1. Follow the installation preparation steps from OSX-KVM:

    • Configure KVM to ignore_msrs on the host running the VM(s) -- this can be achieved by adding the following configuration (a configuration switch and reboot will be necessary):

        boot.kernelParams = [
          "kvm.ignore_msrs=1" # according to OSX-KVM, this is required
          "kvm.report_ignored_msrs=0" # these ignored msrs are harmless, so don't let them clog up dmesg

      NOTE: To apply these without a reboot, you may echo 1 > /sys/module/kvm/parameters/ignore_msrs and echo 0 > /sys/module/kvm/parameters/report_ignored_msrs (as root).

    • Run ./fetch-macOS.py and select the latest version of Catalina

    • Run qemu-img convert BaseSystem.dmg -O raw BaseSystem.img

    • Run qemu-img create -f qcow2 mac_hdd_ng.img 128G

    • You may ignore the networking setup; our modified ./boot-macOS-Catalina.sh script sets up user-mode networking instead

  2. Run ./boot-macOS-Catalina.sh and boot from the install disk (may take a while)

    • You will want a VNC client -- I used tigervnc's vncviewer and forwarded the VNC port to my local system with ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 user@remote-machine-running-qemu then nix-shell -p tigervnc --run "vncviewer"
  3. Select the "English" language

  4. Select "Disk Utility"

  5. Select the "QEMU HARDDISK Media" disk (around 130GB, "uninitialized")

  6. Click "Erase" (in the top middle), set the Name to "system" (exactly; case matters!), Format to "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)", and Scheme to "GUID Partition Map"

  7. Click "Erase" and then "Done"

  8. Exit Disk Utility by clicking the red exit button at the top left

  9. Select "Reinstall macOS" and click "Continue"

  10. Click "Continue"

  11. Click "Agree" and click "Agree" in the dialog that pops up

  12. Select the "system" disk and click "Install"

    • This will take a bit of time (roughly 30 minutes, but may be more or less)
  13. Once the install process gets to the "Welcome" screen where you select a physical location, Ctrl-C the QEMU process and copy the disk image (mac_hdd_ng.img) to another location for safe keeping. This duplicated image will be used for future fresh re-setting-up like major upgrades.

  14. Restart the VM with ./boot-macOS-Catalina.sh and reconnect to VNC

    • Wait 3 seconds for macOS to automatically boot
  15. Select "United States" and click "Continue"

  16. Click "Continue" on the "Written and Spoken Languages" page

  17. Click "Continue" on the "Data & Privacy" page

  18. Select "Don't transfer any information now" (if it isn't already) and click "Continue" on the "Transfer Information to This Mac" page

  19. Click "Set Up Later" on the "Sign In with Your Apple ID" page

    • Confirm by clicking "Skip" on the dialog that pops up
  20. Click "Agree" on the "Terms and Conditions" page

    • Confirm by clicking "Agree" on the dialog that pops up
  21. Create a user:

    • Full name: nixos
    • Account name: nixos
    • Password: generate a new one each time, note: nixos is not a good password =)
      • NOTE: You will need to remember this
    • Hint: leave blank for no hint
  22. Click "Customize Settings" on the "Express Set Up" page

  23. Ensure the box next to "Enable Location Services on this Mac" is unticked (disabled) on the "Enable Location Services" page

    • Confirm by clicking "Don't Use" on the dialog that pops up
  24. Select your timezone: "UTC - United Kingdom" and click "Continue"

  25. Ensure both boxes on the "Analytics" page are not ticked ("Share Mac Analytics with Apple" was enabled by default -- untick that)

  26. Click "Set Up Later" on the "Screen Time" page

  27. Ensure the box next to "Enable Ask Siri" on the "Siri" page is not ticked and click "Continue"

  28. Click "Continue" on the "Choose Your Look" page

  29. You'll reach the desktop where macOS will try to configure the keyboard; click "Continue", press z and then /, make sure ANSI is selected, and click "Done"

  30. Set up Full Disk Access for the terminal:

    • Click the magnifying glass in the top bar (top right corner), search for "term", and press Enter on "Terminal"
    • Close the "Terminal" window
    • Click the Apple icon (top left)
    • Select "System Preferences" from the drop down
    • Click on "Security & Privacy"
    • Select the "Privacy" tab
    • Scroll down to "Full Disk Access" and select it
    • Click the lock icon on the bottom left, enter the password you set earlier, and click "Unlock" (or hit enter) to confirm
    • Click the "+" icon
    • In the window that opens up, search for "terminal" (search box is top right) and select "Name matches: terminal"
    • Then select the "Terminal" application under the "Today" header
      • NOTE: To ensure this is the right "Terminal" make sure the path displayed on the bottom of the window starts with "system" (the Name we defined when erasing the disk earlier) and not "macOS Base System"
    • Close that window by clicking the red close button on the top left
  31. Open the "Terminal" again by clicking the magnifying glass in the top bar (top right corner), searching for "term", and pressing Enter on "Terminal"

  32. Run sudo systemsetup -setremotelogin on to turn on SSH.

    • IMPORTANT: DO NOT TEST SSH AT THIS STAGE! Testing SSH now would cause the image to generate an SSH host key, and cause it to be fixed in a generic disk image too soon.
  33. Disable the protections preventing you from running unsigned software: sudo spctl --master-disable

  34. Disable sleep: sudo systemsetup -setcomputersleep Never

  35. Enable automatically mounting ISOs, even before users log in: sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/autodiskmount AutomountDisksWithoutUserLogin -bool YES

  36. Bypass new Catalina protections that prevent autorunning scripts from /Volumes: sudo ln -s /Volumes/CONFIG/apply.sh ~root/apply.sh

  37. Create an autorun script by writing the following contents to /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.nixos.bootup.plist:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
  1. Close the terminal and select "Shut Down" from the Apple menu
  2. Deselect "Reopen windows when logging back in" and click "Shut Down"
  3. Duplicate mac_hdd_ng.img once more, to mac_hdd_ng.configured.img

This image is used as the basis for hydra and ofborg builders.


  • To generate a config.iso for use with the VM:
cd cdrom
ssh-keygen -A -f . # to generate host keys that will be used in the VM
genisoimage -v -J -r -V CONFIG -o ../OSX-KVM/config.iso .
  • To watch the logs generated by a VM (where the LOGHOST variable in apply.sh was properly configured), run nc -dklun 1514 | tr '<' $'\n' (from a nix-shell using the provided shell.nix) on the LOGHOST.

    • NOTE: You'll need to open port 1514 for UDP. To do so temporarily (on NixOS), you may use the following command: iptables -w -I nixos-fw -p udp --dport 1514 -j nixos-fw-accept.
  • If you run into issues with QEMU and macOS not playing nice, you may need to use a new templated config, config.plist.qemu.templated:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Part Component</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>