
How to import typings for Typescript apps script development

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I see that since #87 this library was converted to Typescript. What's the correct way to import typescript definitions so that it can be used within VSCode?

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I've tried importing it as a reference:

/// <reference path="../node_modules/firestore_google-apps-script/typings/index.d.ts" />

But this only imports a FirestoreAPI which comes from typings/index.d.ts

It's unclear how I should use this to develop in a Typescript environment.

Thanks in advance!

Library Version: 33

I haven't used VSCode with this project yet, but I can't imagine it would be too difficult. Sorry I can't help further with this. But I pretty much used command line tools to integrate with GAS to update the library.

@davidbielik Any luck with this? I am interested in importing typescript types for local development as well.

@davidbielik @BarryMolina

Here's my firestore.ts file that's also used to import the other typings:

// This is required because it "imports" the typings (importing them breaks the runtime and tsconfig doesn't seem to detect them.)
/// <reference path="../../../node_modules/@types/google-apps-script/index.d.ts" />

// These are required because they "import" the FirestoreApp library.
/// <reference path="../../../node_modules/firestore_google-apps-script/typings/index.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../node_modules/firestore_google-apps-script/Document.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../node_modules/firestore_google-apps-script/Firestore.ts" />

 * Documentation:
export const firestore = getFirestore();

// The libary is provided through this object, but the ts references above don't.
declare const FirestoreApp: {
  getFirestore(email: string, key: string, projectId: string, apiVersion?: Version): Firestore;

export function getFirestore() {
  const email = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL");

  // replaceAll is necessary, because the property value doesn't allow newlines
  const key = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY")?.replaceAll("\\n", "\n");
  const projectId = "die-ringe-bodyworkout-app";

  return FirestoreApp.getFirestore(email!, key!, projectId);

export function unwrapObject(obj: Document): ValueObject {
  return Object.entries(obj.fields || {}).reduce(
    (o: Record<string, Value>, [key, val]: [string, FirestoreAPI.Value]) => {
      o[key] = unwrapValue(val);
      return o;

function unwrapValue(obj: FirestoreAPI.Value): Value {
  // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
  let [type, val]: [string, any] = Object.entries(obj)[0];
  switch (type) {
    case "referenceValue":
    case "bytesValue":
    case "stringValue":
    case "booleanValue":
    case "geoPointValue":
      return val;
    case "doubleValue":
      return parseFloat(val as string);
    case "integerValue":
      return parseInt(val as string);
    case "mapValue":
      return unwrapObject(val as FirestoreAPI.MapValue);
    case "arrayValue":
      return unwrapArray(val.values);
    case "timestampValue":
      return unwrapDate(val as string);
    case "nullValue":
      return null;

function unwrapArray(wrappedArray: FirestoreAPI.Value[] = []): Value[] {
  return, this);

function unwrapDate(wrappedDate: string): Date {
  // Copied from Util_.regexDatePrecision
  const regex = /(\.\d{3})\d+/;

  // Trim out extra microsecond precision
  return new Date(wrappedDate.replace(regex, "$1"));

looks like a pretty hacky solution to me, but it seems to work pretty neatly so far.

I would like to also know how I can use this library outside of the web based editor. The above solution does not work in the context of my project!