A Google Apps Script library for accessing Google Cloud Firestore.
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Accessing specific database
#170 opened by dchun - 0
Add examples of unwrapping firebase data
#171 opened by tomchify - 4
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README Properties Service key retrieval error
#161 opened by gskll - 2
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Make updateDocument mask default to true
#169 opened by legenduzo - 8
Poor performance when updating thousands of data
#168 opened by risalfajar - 1
Apps script FirestoreApp when query 'collection1' where 'timestampField' == my_variable_Timestamp
#150 opened by ab2d3e8 - 7
FieldValue support
#163 opened by risalfajar - 0
FieldTransform Support
#164 opened by risalfajar - 1
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Firestore feature missing
#155 opened by dsl400 - 2
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How do I create a query which compares a value which is inside a map in the document?
#158 opened by andyburnett - 1
Prevent auto conversion to GeoPoint
#156 opened by Stev3nsen - 0
Inserting Weird Values After Updating
#153 opened by mxnmike - 0
Queries using != and not-in
#152 opened by valorpercibido - 0
Use the count() aggregation
#151 opened by u2002020021 - 3
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What is the best way to protect the private key in a container bound script
#142 opened by andyburnett - 10
Key error on query
#140 opened by riverscuomo - 7
Firestore number is sometimes returned as date 12/30/1899 0:00:00 or 10/26/1900 0:00:00
#122 opened by yassinsameh - 2
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Group Collection
#114 opened by halahmadi - 2
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Got error with updateDocument
#139 opened by thuctien - 1
Queries with multiple filters
#137 opened by djcedr - 3
firestore.getDocuments("customers") throws error: "SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input"
#136 opened by WillTisdale - 1
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Add support for BulkDelete/BulkAdd/Collection
#129 opened by arvindkumarc - 3
Error: Missing or insufficient permissions
#119 opened by daniyalasyed - 2
creating document with date field using servertime
#127 opened by rrrepos - 1
getting the id of a new document created
#126 opened by rrrepos - 1
Difficulties with 'contains' operator
#125 opened by DF916 - 1
Exporting data from firebase to google sheet's data have data type with the value
#123 opened by scy0334 - 1
Documentation for delete document Function
#120 opened by theindianappguy - 2
Firestore query does not accept "!=" operator
#117 opened by cayeborreo - 4
Update throws "Error: Document already exists"
#116 opened by cyaconi - 1
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How can i check the First Collection (exist or not)
#111 opened by Akuma95 - 9
ReferenceError: FirestoreApp is not defined
#110 opened by Akuma95 - 2
Setting document reference as a field
#109 opened by ShreeniwasIyer - 5
How to query by timestamp
#108 opened by danieleorlando - 0