DSSAT-container is virtual environment for the DSSAT modeling suite designed to simplify and modernize user-model interactions. Vagrant is used in the project to create portable, replicable working environments to faciliate collaborative modeling and improve the reproducability of scientific research conducted with DSSAT.
Currently, the project requires that you have access to the DSSAT source code on GitHub. See the Dependencies below.
Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:grahamjeffries/DSSAT-container.git
Move into the project directory
cd DSSAT-container
To allow the Vagrant instance to clone private git repositories you have access to, your ssh private key must be available to the local ssh-agent. You can check with ssh-add -L
. If it's not listed add it with ssh-add <path to key, e.g. ~/.ssh/id_rsa>
Launch the Vagrant instance and DSSAT model will be built
vagrant up
Enter the Vagrant virtual machine and move to the directory where the model is located
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/DSSAT46
Then you can run the model
./DSCSM046.EXE A <your experiment file>
Currently the Vagrantfile clones a fork of the main DSSAT repository. The fork introduces bug fixes which are required for *NIX systems but are not presently in the main repo.
- Vagrant (and thus VirtualBox)
- Access to the DSSAT source code on GitHub