Google Earth Engine Batch Asset Manager with Addons is an extension of the one developed by Lukasz here and additional tools were added to include functionality for moving assets, conversion of objects to fusion table, cleaning folders, querying tasks. The ambition is apart from helping user with batch actions on assets along with interacting and extending capabilities of existing GEE CLI. It is developed case by case basis to include more features in the future as it becomes available or as need arises.
- Installation
- Getting started
- Usage examples
- EE User
- Create
- Upload a directory with images and associate properties with each image:
- Upload a directory with images with specific NoData value to a selected destination:
- Asset List
- Asset Size
- Earth Engine Asset Report
- Task Query
- Task Report
- Delete a collection with content:
- Assets Move
- Assets Copy
- Assets Access
- Set Collection Property
- Cancel all tasks
We assume Earth Engine Python API is installed and EE authorised as desribed here. To install:
git clone
cd gee_asset_manager && pip install .
Installation is an optional step; the application can be also run directly by executing script. The advantage of having it installed is being able to execute geeadd as any command line tool. I recommend installation within virtual environment. To install run
python develop or python install
In a linux distribution
sudo python develop or sudo python install
As usual, to print help:
usage: [-h]
Google Earth Engine Batch Asset Manager with Addons
positional arguments:
ee_user Allows you to associate/change GEE account to system
create Allows the user to create an asset collection or
folder in Google Earth Engine
upload Batch Asset Uploader.
lst List assets in a folder/collection or write as text
ee_report Prints a detailed report of all Earth Engine Assets
includes Asset Type, Path,Number of
assetsize Prints collection size in Human Readable form & Number
of assets
tasks Queries current task status
taskreport Create a report of all tasks and exports to a CSV file
delete Deletes collection and all items inside. Supports
Unix-like wildcards.
mover Moves all assets from one collection to another
copy Copies all assets from one collection to another:
Including copying from other users if you have read
permission to their assets
access Sets Permissions for Images, Collection or all assets
in EE Folder Example: python --mode
"folder" --asset "users/john/doe" --user
collprop Sets Overall Properties for Image Collection
cancel Cancel all running tasks
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
To obtain help for a specific functionality, simply call it with help
switch, e.g.: geeadd upload -h
. If you didn't install geeadd, then you
can run it just by going to geeadd directory and running python [arguments go here]
The script creates an Image Collection from GeoTIFFs in your local directory. By default, the collection name is the same as the local directory name; with optional parameter you can provide a different name. Another optional parameter is a path to a CSV file with metadata for images, which is covered in the next section: Parsing metadata.
usage: geeadd upload [-h] --source SOURCE --dest DEST [-m METADATA]
[-mf MANIFEST] [--large] [--nodata NODATA] [-u USER]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Required named arguments.:
--source SOURCE Path to the directory with images for upload.
--dest DEST Destination. Full path for upload to Google Earth
Engine, e.g. users/pinkiepie/myponycollection
-u USER, --user USER Google account name (gmail address).
Optional named arguments:
-m METADATA, --metadata METADATA
Path to CSV with metadata.
-mf MANIFEST, --manifest MANIFEST
Manifest type to be used,for planetscope use
--large (Advanced) Use multipart upload. Might help if upload
of large files is failing on some systems. Might cause
other issues.
--nodata NODATA The value to burn into the raster as NoData (missing
Google Earth Engine service account.
-k PRIVATE_KEY, --private-key PRIVATE_KEY
Google Earth Engine private key file.
-b BUCKET, --bucket BUCKET
Google Cloud Storage bucket name.
By metadata we understand here the properties associated with each image. Thanks to these, GEE user can easily filter collection based on specified criteria. The file with metadata should be organised as follows:
filename (without extension) | property1 header | property2 header |
file1 | value1 | value2 |
file2 | value3 | value4 |
Note that header can contain only letters, digits and underscores.
id_no | class | category | binomial | system:time_start |
my_file_1 | GASTROPODA | EN | Aaadonta constricta | 1478943081000 |
my_file_2 | GASTROPODA | CR | Aaadonta irregularis | 1478943081000 |
The corresponding files are my_file_1.tif and my_file_2.tif. With each of the files five properties are associated: id_no, class, category, binomial and system:time_start. The latter is time in Unix epoch format, in milliseconds, as documented in GEE glosary. The program will match the file names from the upload directory with ones provided in the CSV and pass the metadata in JSON format:
{ id_no: my_file_1, class: GASTROPODA, category: EN, binomial: Aaadonta constricta, system:time_start: 1478943081000}
The program will report any illegal fields, it will also complain if not all of the images passed for upload have metadata associated. User can opt to ignore it, in which case some assets will have no properties.
Having metadata helps in organising your asstets, but is not mandatory - you can skip it.
This tool is designed to allow different users to change earth engine authentication credentials. The tool invokes the authentication call and copies the authentication key verification website to the clipboard which can then be pasted onto a browser and the generated key can be pasted back
This tool allows you to create a collection or folder in your earth engine root directory. The tool uses the system cli to achieve this and this has been included so as to reduce the need to switch between multiple tools and CLI.
usage: create [-h] --typ TYP --path PATH
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--typ TYP Specify type: collection or folder
--path PATH This is the path for the earth engine asset to be created full
path is needsed eg: users/johndoe/collection
Upload a directory with images to your myfolder/mycollection and associate properties with each image:
geeadd upload -u --source path_to_directory_with_tif -m path_to_metadata.csv --dest users/johndoe/myfolder/myponycollection
The script will prompt the user for Google account password. The program will also check that all properties in path_to_metadata.csv do not contain any illegal characters for GEE. Don't need metadata? Simply skip this option.
geeadd upload -u --source path_to_directory_with_tif --dest users/johndoe/myfolder/myponycollection --nodata 222
In this case we need to supply full path to the destination, which is helpful when we upload to a shared folder. In the provided example we also burn value 222 into all rasters for missing data (NoData).
This tool is designed to either print or output asset lists within folders or collections using earthengine ls tool functions.
usage: lst [-h] --location LOCATION --typ TYP [--items ITEMS]
[--output OUTPUT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Required named arguments.:
--location LOCATION This it the location of your folder/collection
--typ TYP Whether you want the list to be printed or output as
Optional named arguments:
--items ITEMS Number of items to list
--output OUTPUT Folder location for report to be exported
This tool allows you to query the size of any Earth Engine asset[Images, Image Collections, Tables and Folders] and prints out the number of assets and total asset size in non-byte encoding meaning KB, MB, GB, TB depending on size.
usage: geeadd assetsize [-h] --asset ASSET
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--asset ASSET Earth Engine Asset for which to get size properties
This tool recursively goes through all your assets(Includes Images, ImageCollection,Table,) and generates a report containing the following fields [Type,Asset Type, Path,Number of Assets,size(MB),unit,owner,readers,writers].
usage: ee_report [-h] --outfile OUTFILE
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--outfile OUTFILE This it the location of your report csv file
A simple setup is the following
geeadd --outfile "C:\johndoe\report.csv"
This script counts all currently running and ready tasks along with failed tasks.
usage: tasks [-h]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit tasks
Sometimes it is important to generate a report based on all tasks that is running or has finished. Generated report includes taskId, data time, task status and type
usage: geeadd taskreport [-h] [--r R]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--r R Folder Path where the reports will be saved
The delete is recursive, meaning it will delete also all children assets: images, collections and folders. Use with caution!
geeadd delete users/johndoe/test
Console output:
2016-07-17 16:14:09,212 :: oauth2client.client :: INFO :: Attempting refresh to obtain initial access_token
2016-07-17 16:14:09,213 :: oauth2client.client :: INFO :: Refreshing access_token
2016-07-17 16:14:10,842 :: root :: INFO :: Attempting to delete collection test
2016-07-17 16:14:16,898 :: root :: INFO :: Collection users/johndoe/test removed
geeadd delete users/johndoe/*weird[0-9]?name*
This script allows us to recursively move assets from one collection to the other.
usage: mover [-h] [--assetpath ASSETPATH] [--finalpath FINALPATH]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--assetpath ASSETPATH
Existing path of assets
--finalpath FINALPATH
New path for assets mover --assetpath "users/johndoe/myfolder/myponycollection" --destination "users/johndoe/myfolder/myotherponycollection"
This script allows us to recursively copy assets from one collection to the other. If you have read acess to assets from another user this will also allow you to copy assets from their collections.
usage: copy [-h] [--initial INITIAL] [--final FINAL]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--initial INITIAL Existing path of assets
--final FINAL New path for assets mover --initial "users/johndoe/myfolder/myponycollection" --final "users/johndoe/myfolder/myotherponycollection"
This tool allows you to set asset acess for either folder , collection or image recursively meaning you can add collection access properties for multiple assets at the same time.
usage: geeadd access [-h] --mode MODE --asset ASSET --user USER
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--mode MODE This lets you select if you want to change permission or
--asset ASSET This is the path to the earth engine asset whose permission
you are changing folder/collection/image
--user USER This is the email address to whom you want to give read or
write permission Usage: "" or ""
R/W refers to read or write permission access --mode folder --asset "folder/collection/image" --user ""
This script is derived from the ee tool to set collection properties and will set overall properties for collection.
usage: collprop [-h] [--coll COLL] [--p P]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--coll COLL Path of Image Collection
--p P "system:description=Description"/"system:provider_url=url"/"sys
This is a simpler tool, can be called directly from the earthengine cli as well
earthengine cli command
earthengine task cancel all
usage: cancel [-h]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- Added improvement to earthengine authorization
- Added capability to handle PlanetScope 4Band Surface Reflectance Metadata Type
- General Improvements
- Tool improvements and enhancements
- New tool EE_Report was added
- Fixed issues with install
- Dependencies now part of
- Updated Parser and general improvements