Sample direnv .envrc file provided with classpath using target in maven pom.xml
export CLASSPATH="./target/dependency/*:./target/hellosample-1.0.jar"
Might need to tweek for java versions etc or use ide :)
mvn compile
mvn verify
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
java hellosample.HelloSampleWorker
java hellosample.HelloActivityRetryStarter
java hellosample.HelloLocalActivityStarter
$ java hellosample.HelloSampleWorker
Connecting to my-ns.abcd0
polling task queue: HelloCloud
registering for workflow: HelloActivityRetryWorkflowImpl
registering for workflow: HelloLocalActivityWorkflowImpl
registering for activities: HelloActivityRetryActivitiesImpl
registering for activities: HelloLocalActivityActivitiesImpl
worker started
activityRetryGreeting activity is going to fail
1109 milliseconds since last invocation. activityRetryGreeting activity is going to fail
2103 milliseconds since last invocation. activityRetryGreeting activity is going to fail
4106 milliseconds since last invocation. activityRetryGreeting activity is going to complete
$ java hellosample.HelloActivityRetryStarter
Connecting to my-ns.abcd0
Starting Workflow: HelloActivityRetryWorkflow..
Greeting: Hello Retry World!
java hellosample.HelloLocalActivityStarter
Connecting to my-ns.abcd0
Starting Workflow: HelloLocalActivityWorkflow..
Greeting: Hello Local World!