
Quickly embed Gr4vy in your Android app to store card details, authorize payments, and capture a transaction.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Gr4vy Android SDK

Build Status

Platforms Version

Quickly embed Gr4vy in your Android app to store card details, authorize payments, and capture a transaction.


gr4vy_android doesn't contain any external dependencies.


repositories {
  maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.gr4vy:gr4vy-android:v1.1.0'

Get started


Add the following meta information to your App's manifest

<meta-data android:name="gr4vy-id" android:value="[GRAVY_ID]" />
<meta-data android:name="gr4vy-environment" android:value="[ENVIRONMENT]" />

Note: Replace [GR4VY_ID] with the ID of your instance and [ENVIRONMENT] with either the sandbox or production environment.


Step 1. Add Gr4vy to your activity

Add the following to the top of your activity:

private lateinit var gr4vySDK: Gr4vySDK

then initialise it within the onCreate() method like so:

gr4vySDK = Gr4vySDK(activityResultRegistry, this, this)

finally implement the Gr4vyResultHandler interface on the Activity and implement the methods:

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity(), Gr4vyResultHandler

Step 2. Run Gr4vy

To use Gr4vy Embed call the .launch() method:

        context = this,
        token = [TOKEN],
        amount = 1299,
        currency = "USD",
        country = "US")

Note: Replace [TOKEN] with your JWT access token (See any of our server-side SDKs for more details.).


These are the options available in this SDK:

Field Optional / Required Description
gr4vyId Required Provided in the manifest. The Gr4vy ID automatically sets the apiHost to api.<gr4vyId>.gr4vy.app for production and api.sandbox.<gr4vyId>.gr4vy.app and to embed.sandbox.<gr4vyId>.gr4vy.app for the sandbox environment.
token Required The server-side generated JWT token used to authenticate any of the API calls.
amount Required The amount to authorize or capture in the specified currency only.
currency Required A valid, active, 3-character ISO 4217 currency code to authorize or capture the amount for.
country Required A valid ISO 3166 country code.
buyerId Optional Provided in the manifest. The buyer ID for this transaction. The transaction will automatically be associated to a buyer with that ID.
externalIdentifier Optional An optional external identifier that can be supplied. This will automatically be associated to any resource created by Gr4vy and can subsequently be used to find a resource by that ID.
store Optional 'ask', true, false - Explicitly store the payment method or ask the buyer, this is used when a buyerId is provided.
display Optional all, addOnly, storedOnly, supportsTokenization - Filters the payment methods to show stored methods only, new payment methods only or methods that support tokenization.
intent Optional authorize, capture - Defines the intent of this API call. This determines the desired initial state of the transaction.

Step 3. Handle events from Gr4vy

When you implement Gr4vyResultHandler you can handle the events emitted by Gr4vy like so:

override fun onGr4vyResult(result: Gr4vyResult) {
        when(result) {
            is Gr4vyResult.GeneralError -> startActivity(Intent(this, FailureActivity::class.java))
            is Gr4vyResult.TransactionCreated -> startActivity(Intent(this, SuccessActivity::class.java))
            is Gr4vyResult.TransactionFailed -> startActivity(Intent(this, FailureActivity::class.java))


Returns a data about the transaction object when the transaction was successfully created.

  "transactionID": "8724fd24-5489-4a5d-90fd-0604df7d3b83",
  "status": "pending",
  "paymentMethodID": "17d57b9a-408d-49b8-9a97-9db382593003"


Returned when the transaction encounters an error.

  "transactionID": "8724fd24-5489-4a5d-90fd-0604df7d3b83",
  "status": "pending",
  "paymentMethodID": "17d57b9a-408d-49b8-9a97-9db382593003"


Returned when the SDK encounters an error.

  "Gr4vy Error: Failed to load"


This project is provided as-is under the MIT license.