Computer Science GA/RA at Midwestern State University. Software Engineer and Networking enthusiast.
Midwestern State UniversityMidwestern State University
Pinned Repositories
T-Th 9:30 - 10:50: OOP in C++ and some Python
Simply create a .env file and specify your Connectwise API credentials. This code will grab all time entries in a given period of time and also any timesheets you may need for a specific pay period. Main displays a practical use case for the code.
A CPU scheduling simulation. Showcasing various scheduling algorithms in a rich terminal user interface.
An example shell using the Curses module in Python.
GreenWatch - Midwestern State University Software Engineering project for the MSU Biology department's greenhouse.
Interfaces most of the LiongardAPI in Python. If you are new to the API and simply need to pull some data quickly this class is perfect.
A compilation of all RouterOS scripts I have written. Fairly difficult language to do high level programming in so sharing the love with this repo!
A set of scripts that were built to analyze an MSP utilizing Connectwise as a CRM and Liongard as a centralized data point for all services. Performs a wide range audit that checks over agreed upon quantities, profit margins, total costs, etc.
Facilitates a custom made integration between Liongard and Connectwise. It will take data hosted in Liongard and place it in configurations within Connectwise to be used in the CW Report Writer.
gramcracker40's Repositories
A CPU scheduling simulation. Showcasing various scheduling algorithms in a rich terminal user interface.
Simply create a .env file and specify your Connectwise API credentials. This code will grab all time entries in a given period of time and also any timesheets you may need for a specific pay period. Main displays a practical use case for the code.
An example shell using the Curses module in Python.
GreenWatch - Midwestern State University Software Engineering project for the MSU Biology department's greenhouse.
Interfaces most of the LiongardAPI in Python. If you are new to the API and simply need to pull some data quickly this class is perfect.
Open-source, OMR Testing Software. Build your school's own custom answer sheets and grade them! LiveTest's dynamic OMR grader can handle all different lengths of tests and choices. Replace fonts, logos, adjust placements, etc. This research is in partial fulfillment of the M.S Computer Science @ MSU Texas by Garrett Mathers with Professor Griffin
A compilation of all RouterOS scripts I have written. Fairly difficult language to do high level programming in so sharing the love with this repo!
A set of scripts that were built to analyze an MSP utilizing Connectwise as a CRM and Liongard as a centralized data point for all services. Performs a wide range audit that checks over agreed upon quantities, profit margins, total costs, etc.
Facilitates a custom made integration between Liongard and Connectwise. It will take data hosted in Liongard and place it in configurations within Connectwise to be used in the CW Report Writer.
T-Th 9:30 - 10:50: OOP in C++ and some Python
Github repo for all flutter/dart programs made in mobile app development.
Simply a repository full of UVA and LeetCode problems
A fully functional REST API built using Flask, SQLAlchemy, Flask-JWT, Alembic, and Smorest. Very basic API built to help learn Flask and engineering REST API's
Config files for my GitHub profile.
All of my solved DailyCodingProblems sent to my email. Just a spot to place them as I find time to complete more of them.
demonstrates the ability for many computers to come together to one server and process a single resource at once.
Scans the inbox of an email address for keywords in the subject and body. Parses out multiple parts of an email and returns as a single EmailInfo object if the criteria specified in the keywords are accurate.
compilation of all my parallel programs written in C
Repo dedicated to showing a professor of mine that python can be made to be fast and is not the slowest scripting language at all.
A holding place for most React projects I have done. Will update as I create more React projects.
Implements a virtual file system that is a web service. Full swagger docs on API.
An alerting API used to collect data from network devices and monitor specific actions taken from device to device. Also a way of monitoring our scripts deployed in the field and any errors associated.