
A CHICKEN Scheme symbol index

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

A CHICKEN Scheme Symbol Index


With a browser such as Firefox, the chicken-index.json in this repository can be used as searcheable index with links to the associated documentation. Various Scheme implementations like Bigloo, Chez Scheme, Gambit Scheme, Gauche, Guile, MIT Scheme, have such an index; CHICKEN Scheme lacks this docu feature, which this json can provide.


The json is formated as a root object "chicken_index" with child objects of the form:

{ "symbol-name (module)": "http://link.to.docu" }

for each symbol (A JSON Schema is under construction).


The chicken-index.json file contains symbols from the modules:


Firefox, and likely other browsers render .json files in a searcheable manner. Particularly Firefox allows filtering a json by text, and presorts an object' properties by default alphabetically with respect to the keys.

Either download chicken-index.json and open it locally in your (Firefox) browser, or go to a service like: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/gramian/chicken-index/chicken-index.json Using raw github files will not work, as the sent content type is text/plain, but application/json is required here.