
Generic DSL for DialogFlow ES

Primary LanguageXtend

A generic DSL for generating agent for Google dialogFlow ES

This is an individual portfolio assignment, based on a group project. The original group project codebase can be found at: https://github.com/NJohansen/dialogFlowDSL

alarm.df, booking.df,hotelBooking.df and flightBooking.df all contain examples of the DSL. Some of them extend each other.

This is just one of the examples.

system HotelBooking
  extends Booking
  entity venue_accomodation_chain 
    reference "Hilton" 
    reference "Hilton one" synonym "Hotel two"
  entity venue_accomodation_type
    reference "apartment” synonyms “apartments"
    reference "hotel" synonym "hotels" 
    reference "motel" synonym "motels" 
  entity star 
    reference "1" synonyms "1 or more", "1 star" 
    reference "2" synonyms "2 or more", "2 star"
  intent Welcome 
      expression "Hello" 
      expression "Hi"
      reply "Welcome. I can help you book a hotel. Would you like to book a hotel room?"
      reply "Hello. Would you like to book a hotel room?"
      reply "Hi there. I can help you book a hotel room. Would you like to book a hotel room?"
  intent Book
      expression "book suite in ", "Hilton" as venue_accomodation_type 
      expression "book ", "1 star " as star, "motel " as venue_accomodation_type, "room" 
      reply "I need some more information."
      reply  "Okay I have booked a room of $venue-type with $star star"
      param venue_type type venue_accomodation_type "venue-type" 
      param venue_chain type venue_accomodation_chain "venue-chain" islist
      param star type star "star"