
Jelena's contribution to DC1

Primary LanguagePython

REAStoROOT converter

Basic Info

How to run

Run: python REAStoROOTconverter.py -d <directory_with_corsika_files>

It will generate a SIM000000.root file containing the trees RunTree, ADCEventTree, VoltageEventTree, EfieldEventTree and ShowerEventTree in the specified directory.

How to read

After generating the SIM000000.root file you can read it using one of the root file readers we have. For example:

python DataReadingExample.py SIM000000.root


If a parameter is stored as "1111", it (most likely) means that it was not found in the loaded SIM.reas file.

Corsika Parameters

This is a brief overview of which parameters we get from which Corsika files.


The main shower info, such as:

TimeResolution - in s

AutomaticTimeBoundaries - 0: off, x: automatic boundaries with width x in s

TimeLowerBoundary - in s, only if AutomaticTimeBoundaries set to 0

TimeUpperBoundary - in s, only if AutomaticTimeBoundaries set to 0

ResolutionReductionScale - 0: off, x: decrease time resolution linearly every x cm in radius

GroundLevelRefractiveIndex - specify refractive index at 0 m asl





RotationAngleForMagfieldDeclination - in degrees

ShowerZenithAngle - in degrees

ShowerAzimuthAngle - in degrees, 0: shower propagates to north, 90: to west

PrimaryParticleEnergy - in eV

PrimaryParticleType - as defined in CORSIKA

DepthOfShowerMaximum - slant depth in g/cm^2

DistanceOfShowerMaximum - geometrical distance of shower maximum from core in cm

MagneticFieldStrength - in Gauss

MagneticFieldInclinationAngle - in degrees, >0: in northern hemisphere, <0: in southern hemisphere

GeomagneticAngle - in degrees


Extra information that was used to generate the shower simulation. Might be interesting for ensuring ZhaireS compatability.


Antenna positions


Traces for each antenna


Energy deposit and particle numbers


The log of the simulation run. Contains the Corsika version and configuration, interaction models, etc.