
Command line tool for GRANDstack

Primary LanguageJavaScript

npm version

⚠️ NOTE: This project is currently a work-in-progress. APIs are still changing and some things are not yet implemented. If you have any feedback please open an issue.


A command line interface for working with GRANDstack (GraphQL, React, Apollo, Neo4j Database) projects.


npm install -g grandstack


⚠️ NOTE: Consider this a planning document for how commands could work. Many of these are not yet implemented and the API is likely to change. See the table below for current status of commands.

Command Emoji Subcommand Status
🚧 dev WIP - initial functionality
🚧 inferschema WIP - initial functionality
☠️ constraints Not yet implemented
☠️ migrate Not yet implemented
🚧 codesandbox WIP - initial functionality
🚧 file WIP - initial functionality
🚧 github WIP - in dev
🚧 api WIP - initial functionality
configure 🚧 WIP - initial functionality



grandstack graphql dev

Start local GraphQL server.

Options (should also be taken from environment variables):

  • --types
  • --types-file Not yet implemented
  • --neo4j-uri
  • --neo4j-user
  • --neo4j-password
  • --graphql-port
  • --encrypted (boolean)
  • --database
  • --debug - log generated Cypher queries Not yet implemented

grandstack graphql inferschema

Inspect existing Neo4j database and generate GraphQL type definitions.


  • --schema-file - the file to write the generated type definitions to, if not specified log to standard out
  • --neo4j-uri
  • --neo4j-user
  • --neo4j-password
  • --start-server - start GraphQL server using generated type definitions instead of writing to file
  • --debug - log generated Cypher queries when using --run-server Not yet implemented
  • --run-server (boolean)
  • --encrypted (boolean)
  • --database
  • --graphql-port


grandstack neo4j constraints

Generate CREATE CONSTRAINT Cypher statements for a given GraphQL schema

grandstack neo4j migrate

Generate refactor Cypher statements given a GraphQL schema diff.


grandstack deploy [api web neo4j]

Need some way to specify service (Zeit, Netlify, GCP,etc)

Deploy API to CodeSandbox

grandstack deploy api codesandbox

grandstack deploy file --types "type Person {name: String}" --path ./foobar

Write projects to filesystem, passing type definitions as an argument

grandstack deploy github

Create new github repo from files, types and database


  • --repo-name - a name for your repo, dashes and lowercase
  • --oauth-token - your manually generated auth token with repo scope
  • --database - name of the database if you have one, only applies to graph versions > 3.5
  • --encrypted (boolean) - whether or not your database is encrypted
  • --new-repo (boolean) - whether this is a new repo or you are connecting to a current repo (current repo option not yet available)


Create profiles with Neo4j credentials, etc

grandstack configure


  • --where-is - points you towards current grandstack dir
  • --profile name - creates a new json profile with creds stored
  • --init - establishes a grandstack folder if none exists
  • --neo4j-uri
  • --neo4j-user
  • --neo4j-password