Provides JavaScript API support for Homie 3.0.0
Implemented with Mongoose OS MQTT library
Homie device name defined as "" from mos.yml
Supported 4 types of devices:
- HomieDevice.TYPE_INTEGER - for ex. volume level (read only)
- HomieDevice.TYPE_FLOAT - for ex. temperature (read only)
- HomieDevice.TYPE_SWITCH - for ex. relay (read/write)
- HomieDevice.TYPE_INPUT - for ex. button (read only)
In your Mongoose OS app, edit mos.yml
file and add a reference to this
Bellow code demonstrates registration single device of boolean type (read only)
let globalState = {
// Boolean value to be used as Homie device status
inputStatus: false,
HomieDevice.init(); //will load nodes from the mos.yml file
// adding device with 2 states (true, false) as a readonly node
HomieDevice.addNode("input0", HomieDevice.TYPE_INPUT, function (nodeInfo) {
return globalState.inputStatus;
// some handler of input change - updates value for Homie node state
let inputHandler = function (inputState) {
globalState.inputStatus = inputState;
// force update node state immidiatelly
// if not called - will be updated according to "homie.updateInterval" seconds from config