
WebComponents CLI allow you to develop WebComponents from scratch with LitElement and Typescript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WebComponents CLI

NPM version Open Source Love made-with-javascript-doc

WebComponents CLI allow you to develop WebComponents from scratch with LitElement and Typescript.


npm install -g @grandemayta/webcomponents-cli

Create a Project

wc-cli <name-of-your-project>

Getting Started

Launch the following commands to start the application:

npm start


Command Description
npm start Lift the application in local mode
npm run dev Generate a build in dev mode
npm run prod Generate a build in prod mode
npm run dev:legacy Generate a build in dev mode to support legacy browsers
npm run prod:legacy Generate a build in prod mode to support legacy browsers


Build tasks will create the following output:

Build for modern browsers:

├── dist/
    ├── vendor.min.js
    ├── bundle.min.js

Build with support for legacy browsers:

├── dist/
    ├── polyfills.min.js
    ├── webcomponents-loader.js
    ├── vendor.min.js
    ├── bundle.min.js
    ├── bundles/                               # These scripts will load at runtime
        ├── webcomponents-ce.js
        ├── webcomponents-sd-ce-pf.js
        ├── webcomponents-sd-ce.js
        ├── webcomponents-sd.js

Html example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Web Components Example Integration</title>

    <app-greetings fullname="Charlotte"></app-greetings>

    <!-- If you want support legacy browser just remove this comment
    <script src="polyfills.min.js" nomodule></script>
    <script src="webcomponents-loader.js"></script>
    <script src="vendor.min.js"></script>
    <script src="bundle.min.js"></script>


We support the following features:

  • Generics

    • Symbol
    • fetch
    • Promise
    • Async / Await
  • Arrays

    • entries
    • from
    • find
    • findIndex
    • includes
    • keys
    • values
  • Objects

    • assign
    • entries
    • values
  • Strings

    • endsWith
    • includes
    • startsWith

Browsers support

✅ Chrome
✅ Firefox
✅ Safari
✅ Edge
✅ IE11


Use the official guide to create WebComponents with LitElement


  • Improve the documentation
  • Setup Unit Testing
  • Setup E2E Testing

Keep calm and code!
Open Source Love