
Grandeur client for browsers

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Grandeur client for browsers. Check full docs at https://docs.grandeur.dev

NPM Downloads/week License

Here is how you can integrate Grandeur in your project.


Just simply download the package from npm and use it in your react project

npm install grandeur-js --save

This package exports two things 1) a react component - use it as parent component to entire app code and init the SDK 2) HOC - wrap the component in which you want to access the Grandeur object to make request to Grandeur.

It is shown in the sample code below

// index.js
// Import react and react dom
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

// Import app code
import App from "./app";

// and Import Grandeur Component
import {Grandeur} from "grandeur-js/react";

// Render app
const page = (
	<Grandeur apiKey="YOUR-APIKEY" secretKey="SECRET-KEY" credentials={credentials}>
		{/* Your app code*/}
		<App />

// Finally render
ReactDOM.render(page, document.getElementById("root"));

Then inside your app.js

// app.js
// The App Component

// Libraries
import React, {Component} from "react";

// Import Grandeur HOC
import {withGrandeur} from "grandeur-js/react";

// Component
class App extends Component {
	// Constructor
	constructor(props) {

		// State of the Component
		this.state = {};

	componentDidMount() {
		// Component is Mounted
		// get reference to the grandeur
		// through props. Which can be used to
		// access all the features of Grandeur
		var project = this.props.grandeur;

	// Render
	render() {
		// Render the Component
		return <p>Hello World</p>;

// Export the Component after wrapping in HOC
export default withGrandeur(App);


Just simply drop the link of JavaScript SDK in a script tag inside your web app using our CDN.

<!-- Drop the Link of CDN in your Web App -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/grandeur-js"></script>

This will give you access to the global Grandeur object, through which you can initialize the SDK and get a reference to your project as shown below

// With global Grandeur object,
// you can simply initialize the SDK
// with your API key and get reference
// to your project
var project = grandeur.init("API-KEY", "SECRET-KEY");

Check full sdk references from documentation. Or check full examples.


After downloading the package from npm, you can use it in your node project.

import grandeur from "grandeur-js";

This will give you access to the global Grandeur object, through which you can initialize the SDK and get a reference to your project as shown below

// The init the SDK with API key 
// and get reference to your project
var project = grandeur.init("API-KEY", "SECRET-KEY");

For User Authorization, generate a token from Grandeur Dahsboard and use as shown below.

var response = await project.auth().token("AUTH_TOKEN");