Grandeurkoe Blog

A simple, clean and fully responsive blog website using the Flask framework.

Features included:

  1. Register, login and logout user.
  2. Create , edit and delete blog post. Only allow admin user to perform these operations.
  3. Allow logged in users to make comments on blog posts.
  4. Allow both logged in and logged out users to send mails using the contact form.

Grandeurkoe Blog

Getting Started


For Windows:

Download and Install the latest version of Python.

Download and Install the latest version of PyCharm Community Edition.

For Linux:

Linux comes preinstalled with Python.

To install the latest version of PyCharm Community Edition, run the following command:

sudo snap install pycharm-community --classic


You can install all the required packages listed in the requirements.txt file for the project at the same time: 

On Windows type:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

On MacOS type:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  1. Create an account on Render.
  2. Link GitHub repo with the host.
  3. Set up a PostgreSQL database with the host.
  4. Store the key-value pairs for our environment variables with our host.

Built Using

Python html5 CSS3 Bootstrap SQLite Jinja Flask Pycharm git Github


Initial work - grandeurkoe