[LeetCode] 964. Least Operators to Express Number
grandyang opened this issue · 0 comments
Given a single positive integer x
, we will write an expression of the form x (op1) x (op2) x (op3) x ...
where each operator op1
, op2
, etc. is either addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division (+
, -
, *
, or /)
. For example, with x = 3
, we might write 3 * 3 / 3 + 3 - 3
which is a value of 3.
When writing such an expression, we adhere to the following conventions:
- The division operator (
) returns rational numbers. - There are no parentheses placed anywhere.
- We use the usual order of operations: multiplication and division happens before addition and subtraction.
- It's not allowed to use the unary negation operator (
). For example, "x - x
" is a valid expression as it only uses subtraction, but "-x + x
" is not because it uses negation.
We would like to write an expression with the least number of operators such that the expression equals the given target
. Return the least number of operators used.
Example 1:
Input: x = 3, target = 19
Output: 5
Explanation: 3 * 3 + 3 * 3 + 3 / 3. The expression contains 5 operations.
Example 2:
Input: x = 5, target = 501
Output: 8
Explanation: 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 - 5 * 5 * 5 + 5 / 5. The expression contains 8 operations.
Example 3:
Input: x = 100, target = 100000000
Output: 3
Explanation: 100 * 100 * 100 * 100. The expression contains 3 operations.
2 <= x <= 100
1 <= target <= 2 * 10^8
这道题说是给了一个正整数x,我们需要让x通过一些运算组成另一个正整数 target,这里的x可以不限次数使用,运算只包括加减乘除,不带括号,但需要满足乘除优先的基本规律。并且这里的除法是整数除法,减号不能当作负数符号使用,让我们求要组成 target 的最少的运算符的使用个数。虽然题目很长不好理解,但是通过例子还是不难理解题意的,难就难在如何解题。博主看了一会儿,发现没思路就直接放弃了,直奔论坛上找解法。这里直接参考 donggua_fu
大神的解法吧,首先处理 edge cases,当 x 等于 target 的话,不用加任何运算符,返回0即可。若 x 大于 target,比如 x=5,target=3,我们其实可以迅速的求出运算符的个数,因为5比3大,要凑3就只能先变成1,这里就有两种变法,一种是全部都变成1,然后来凑3,即 5/5 + 5/5 + 5/5
,这时的运算符个数是 target * 2 -1
,因为加号的个数总是比除号少一个。另一种凑法就是 5 - 5/5 - 5/5
,这时候的运算符个数是 (x - target) * 2
,此时的加号和除号的个数相同,均为x和 target 的差值。
接下来就要处理 x 小于 target 的情况了,此时由于不知道x到底比 target 小多少,若差距太大的话,肯定不能用加号,所以应该先用乘号来让x变大,直到刚好大于等于 target 停止,并每次增加次数 cnt。若此时 sum 正好等于 target,太幸运了,直接返回 cnt。但通常情况下 sum 会大于 target,此时 sum - target
的差值就需要另行计算了。这里差值跟 target 的大小关系又要分为两种情况来讨论,当 sum - target < target
时,比如 x=5,sum=25,target=15,则 sum - target=10,就是说现在已经乘到了 25,但需要再减去 10,这个差值 10 可以再次调用原函数来计算,此时新的 target 代入 10 即可,记得返回值要加上 cnt。当然之后还是要再计算一下另一种凑的方法,由于 sum 超过了 target,所以回退一个x,变成 sum / x
,此时小于 target,那么它们的差值 target - (sum / x)
就可以通过再次调用函数来计算,注意这里加上 cnt 之后还要减去1,因为回退了一个x,少了一个乘号。最终二者的较小值即为所求,记得要加上个1,以为多加了个运算符,参见代码如下:
class Solution {
int leastOpsExpressTarget(int x, int target) {
if (x == target) return 0;
if (x > target) {
return min(target * 2 - 1, (x - target) * 2);
long sum = x;
int cnt = 0;
while (sum < target) {
sum *= x;
if (sum == target) return cnt;
int res1 = INT_MAX, res2 = INT_MAX;
if (sum - target < target) {
res1 = leastOpsExpressTarget(x, sum - target) + cnt;
res2 = leastOpsExpressTarget(x, target - (sum / x)) + cnt - 1;
return min(res1, res2) + 1;
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