
Project for pitch shifting I did for an algorithms class. Code from the interent is referenced in comments.

Primary LanguageC++

In the top level directory, there are cpp and hpp files, with processed .wav files as well as this txt.

to compile:
	g++ -o pitchshift -std=c++11 main.cpp smbPitchShift.cpp AudioFile.cpp

Included Directories:
armadillo: linear algebra library used for processing data
old-failed-attempts: holds the hours and hours I spent learning but not being able to fully implement elements of this program on my own
presentation: the files used for the powerpoint
Report: files for the report

Thanks Dr. Jaromczyk, 
I have really enjoyed working on this project. I spent much more time on it than anticipated and had 
many pitfalls, but learned very much. Your class was quite enjoyable, have a Merry Christmas!
-Grant Cox