
A migration guide for moving scripts from Apps Script to Node

MIT LicenseMIT

Apps Script -> Node

A migration guide for moving scripts from Apps Script to Node on GCP.


Node as dozens of benefits over Apps Script. On the other hand, we can't just abandon existing Apps Script users. This provides a guide for migrating to Node.

Core Features

Feature Node Apps Script
Runtime V8 Rhino
Library System npm custom library
Open Source open closed
Platform Run anywhere Run on Google Apps Script
OAuth Hard Easy, no code
Hosting Anywhere that can run Node Google – US
Quotas Can be handled by user Fail script
G Suite Events Not possible Custom event handlers
Multi-login Possible Not possible
Google APIs Node Client Library Advanced Services
G Suite Sidebar Add-ons Not possible Possible – HtmlService
Hangouts Chat Bots HTTP/PubSub Function + Deployment
Web Apps App Engine Deploy as Web App
API App Engine/GCF Deploy as API
Tools npm tools/bash Apps Script API
Billing API quotas free but with quotas
Quota Flexible paid Free w/ hard limits
Publishing npm G Suite Marketplace
Code editor any editor script.google.com
Management UI Cloud Console script.google.com


Apps Script has 3 sets of services for computation.

  • G Suite services: Access APIs like Drive, Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Sheets, and others.
  • Advanced Google services: Access Google APIs via their REST API.
  • Script services: Utilities like logging, HTML, and caching.

G Suite Services

  • Calendar
  • Contacts
  • Data Studio
  • Document
  • Drive
  • Forms
  • Gmail
  • Group
  • Groups
  • Language
  • Maps
  • Sites
  • Slides
  • Spreadsheet

Advanced Services

  • Admin SDK (Directory/License/Groups Migration/Groups Settings/Reseller/Reports)
  • AdSense
  • BigQuery
  • Calendar
  • Classroom
  • DoubleClick
  • Drive (Drive/Activity)
  • Gmail
  • G+
  • Mirror
  • People
  • Sheets
  • Shopping Content
  • Slides
  • Tasks
  • Tag Manager
  • YouTube (Data, Analytics, Content ID)

Script Services

  • Base (Browser, Logger, Session, console, Blob, User)
  • Add-on: Menu, Prompt, Ui,
  • CacheService (Ducment/Script/User Cache)
  • CardService
  • Charts
  • ContentService
  • HtmlService
  • JDBC
  • LockService
  • MailApp
  • LinearOptimizationService
  • PropertiesService
  • ScriptApp
  • *TriggerBuilder
  • UrlFetchApp
  • Utilities
  • XmlService