
A simple xkcd API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple xkcd API.

download from npm

npm: xkcd

npm install xkcd --save


var xkcd = require('xkcd');

// Get the current xkcd
xkcd(function (data) {

// Get a specific xkcd
xkcd(532, function (data) {

response data example

  month: "5",
  num: 1369,
  link: "",
  year: "2014",
  news: "",
  safe_title: "TMI",
  transcript: "",
  alt: "'TMI' he whispered, gazing into the sea.",
  img: "http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/tmi.png",
  title: "TMI",
  day: "16"


  • alt (String) Img alt text
  • day (String) The day # as a string
  • img (URL) Img URL
  • link (String) External links (may be empty)
  • month (String) Month number as a string
  • news (String) News
  • num (int) Id
  • safe_title (String) Safe title
  • title (String) Title
  • transcript (String) Transcript
  • year (String) Year

command line

This module can also be installed as a command line utility.

Global Installation

npm install -g xkcd


Usage: xkcd <command>

xkcd          open latest xkcd
xkcd latest   open latest xkcd
xkcd <num>    open xkcd by number
xkcd help     display this page


  • xkcd 404 throws an error since there is no comic for this id.