
A web client graph and a Windows script bundle to plot scanned Bluetooth device information

Primary LanguagePHP

A Symfony project created on November 24, 2018, 9:41 pm.

This project requires Docker to be installed. This project uses BluetoothView to detect Bluetooth devices on Windows OS supporting Bluetooth connection.

Start the containers from root directory: docker-compose up

ssh into ubuntu container to manage php: docker exec -it myproject /bin/bash

ssh into frontend container to manage node.js: docker-compose run --rm frontend

Inside the ubuntu container, cd into my_project and install composer dependencies: composer install

Server will begin running on localhost:8080

Inside the frontend container, cd into my_project and install js dependencies: npm install

To create the database and the tables:

  • copy parameters.yml.dist content to parameters.yml
  • cd into my_project and create database: php bin/console doctrine:database:create
  • create tables: php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Build javascript, css:

  • for dev: yarn encore dev
  • for production: yarn encore production

Connect to database from host machine:

  • IP: localhost:4000
  • user: root
  • password: root

Start scanning for Bluetooth devices by running Powershell script sender.ps1