Elgato Key Light Air management from Bash
Inspired by Trevor Sullivan's Elgato PowerShell module.
curl -o elgato https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grantcarthew/bash-elgato/main/elgato
chmod +x elgato
sudo mv elgato /usr/local/bin/
elgato -h
Usage: elgato <command> <ip_address_list> [--help]
Elgato light management for Bash
Command list:
on Turn the light(s) on
off Turn the light(s) off
toggle Turn the light(s) on or off
$ elgato on
curl The Client for URLs CLI tool
jq The JSON Query CLI tool
Required arguments:
command The light command, see above
ip_address_list A space separated list of light IP addresses
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
The Elgato lights have the following REST API once connected to your WiFi.
Determine the IP address of the lights. There is probably a UDP broadcast for finding the lights which is unknown at this point.
REST Endpoint:
- TYPE: http (not encrypted)
- AUTH: None
- PORT: 9123
REST Methods:
- GET: Returns the JSON below with the current state of the light
- POST: With the below JSON payload, sets the state of the light
REST JSON Payload:
"numberOfLights": 1,
"lights": [
"on": 1,
"brightness": 9,
"temperature": 150
Example: See the curl command from the Bash script.