
Interactive debug for exceptions in ColdBox

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Interactive debugger for exceptions in CFML

Blatantly copied from https://filp.github.io/whoops/ (Thank you!)


box install whoops --saveDev


The module will register itself as the customErrorTemplate regardless of the environment. For this reason, make sure you install whoops as a devDependency.

Alternatively, you can manually set your coldbox.customErrorTemplate to the path to /whoops/views/whoops.cfm from your application root.

coldbox.customErrorTemplate = "/modules/whoops/views/whoops.cfm";

You can open files in your editor directly from the Whoops template by setting a WHOOPS_EDITOR environment variable. Here are the allowed values:

  • vscode
  • vscode-insiders
  • sublime
  • textmate
  • emacs
  • macvim
  • idea
  • atom
  • espresso

When setting a valid editor, an "Open" button will appear next to the active stacktrace pane.

If you'd like to add an editor, please open a Pull Request adding your editor's url scheme to the top of views/whoops.cfm.