
Docker image for the community edition of JasperReports® Server.

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JasperReports Server CE Edition Docker Container

The Docker Image aims to quickly get up-and-running a JasperReports Server for a development environment. Originally based on retrievercommunications/docker-jasperserver, this docker container has been updated and modified to add more control over JasperReports Server configuration.

Login to JasperReports Web

  1. Go to URL http://${dockerHost}:8080/
  2. Login using credentials: jasperadmin/jasperadmin

Image Features

This image includes:

Environment Variables

  • DB_TYPE - the type of database deploying to. Typically use 'mysql'
  • DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD - database configuration
  • SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT - mail server address and port
  • SMTP_EMAIL - email address used as from address when jasperserver sends emails
  • SMTP_USERNAME, SMTP_PASSWORD - credentials for SMTP server
  • URL - the full URL used to access jasperreports - this is used when emails are sent out with links to the server
  • DISABLE_HEARTBEAT - set to 'true' to stop prompting to opt in for heartbeat ever time the container is rebuilt

Files and Paths

There are two volumes used:

  • /jasperserver-import - export files placed here get imported into jasperserver when it is first deployed
  • /config - configuration data is stored here

Important things under /config:

  • /config/db_is_configured - this file is created the first time the container starts up. If the file exists, it won't try to redeploy all the initial database settings and import data again.
  • /config/keystore - encryption keys for the server are created and stored here (two hidden files, .jrsks and .jrsksp). These files are required for the server to operate, and to read any exported data. See the JasperServer 7.5.0 security guide for more details about handling these files.
  • /config/certs - PEM encoded certificate files can be placed here and will be imported into the java cacerts file on startup. Required if using LDAPS authentication.
  • /config/WEB-INF - the contents of this folder are copied to the jasperserver WEB-INF folder just before it is launched on each start. You can place any customized configuration files for things like external authentication here. You can also add additional jar libraries to /config/WEB-INF/lib to be loaded by jasperserver.

Start the Container

Using Command Line

To start the JasperServer container you'll need to pass in 5 environment variables and link it to either a MySQL or Postgres container.

E.g. docker run -d --name jasperserver -e DB_TYPE=mysql -e DB_HOST=db -e DB_PORT=3306 -e DB_USER=root -e DB_PASSWORD=mysql -v ./config:/config --link jasperserver_mysql:db -p 8080:8080 retriever/jasperserver

If you haven't got an existing MySQL or Postgres container then you can easily create one: docker run -d --name jasperserver_mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysql mysql:5.7

Using Docker-compose

To start up the JasperServer and a MySQL container:

  • Run docker-compose up to run in foreground or
  • Run docker-compose up -d to run as in daemon mode.

To stop the containers run docker-compose stop and docker-compose start to restart them.

Note: To install Docker-compose see the releases page.